
Bind9 DNS Zone Transfer Script - Bash script to avoid duplicates

I created a bash script to transfer my zones between my primary and secondary DNS server. It downloads my zone list from the primary and checks for any new zones and then downloads and inserts those zone files into the zone directory and into the .local file for bind. The problem I have is that if the zone file does not exist, the scrip...

How to point a domain name to a web server inside of VMWare Player?

What I'm trying to do is point a spare domain I have lying around to a Nginx install on Ubuntu in a VMWare Player image. My Nginx server configuration simply looks like: server { listen 80; server_name ----.com *.----.com; root root/sites/test/public; passenger_enabled on; } The ---- of course being my domain....

Sneaking behind China's Great Firewall : DNS issues

Hi there, I have a website hosted on appengine, and I use my own domain name on it. It appears that mysite.appspot.com can be accessed (I checked on http://just-ping.com) but that mysite.com is blocked. How can I manage that? Edit: I use google apps on my domain, for mail, blogging on subdomain, and redirecting to appengine. These 3 ...

switched DNS pointer today and site renders in compaibility mode

We have been developing a corporate intranet site on an IIS7 server. Today we changed the DNS to point to a domain name - and I don't know much about that end of things - and the site is rendering in IE7 mode. The DNS is just a pointer like thing, right? It translates an IP address to a domain name? Why would things show up differently? ...

windows c++ DNS lookups

I have a windows C++ application (mingw, but I guess it doesn't matter). I need to do very occasional obscure types of DNS lookups, such as TXT and AXFR. The best I can do at the moment is using gethostbyname in winsock, but that doesn't support the above types :(. Does anyone know of a nice library that runs on win32 for DNS lookups? ...

How do I create an SRV record in DNS with C#

I am using WMI to create different types of DNS records but am having a problem with SRV records. I keep getting a "Not found" error whenever I pass the DomainName parameter. The domain name looks good to me. Has anyone ever successfully done this? Here is my code: internal static void CreateSrvRecordInDns(string Zone, string OwnerNam...

Python DNS Server

Hello. I am adding a feature to my current project that will allow network admins to install the software to the network. I need to code a DNS server in Python that will allow me to redirect to a certain page if the request address is in my list. I was able to write the server, just not sure how to redirect. Thank you. I am using Python...

Appengine without google apps?

I was using GAE with Gapps on my domain, however it seems that ghs.google.com is unavailable in China. How can I use GAE on my domain without Gapps? Edit: A solution I'm considering is using something like a proxy. This way the firewall doesnt see google. By the way, my site is not banned because of its content, it can be acessed norma...

Multithreading or observer pattern when waiting for dns lookup?

Hi, I'm designing a system in java which utilizes a dns lookup class. My question is, when calling the class's dnsLookup(), whether to do it in a new thread or use the observer pattern and let the dns class tell me when it's done. This isn't a problem as long as the lookup returns a value almost instantly but when it takes a few seco...

IIS Subdomain Host Headers Not Working

Using IIS 7, I have an existing website, example.com, and I have added another website to which I'd like the URL, sub.example.com to point. I've set up the host headers for this, but it does not work. Trying to ping the subdomain URL give the message "Ping request could not find host sub.example.com. Please check the name and try again."...

How to ping XP machine from MacOSX

On my home network, I am able to ping between my XP machines just fine. I can also ping my Mac from the XP machines. However when I attempt to ping my XP machines from the OSX terminal I get 'unknown host' even when I add .local to the machine name. Pinging works if I use the IP address of the XP machine. Some background...I am attem...

Simple script to find "lowest" available domain name

I need a script to find out what is the lowest available domain name with a give TLD (say .com, .info, or .net). For example, 1000423.com is free but 1000.com is taken. Probably my spammiest question so far. NOTE I mean "lowest" domain name numerically (i.e. 1.com, 2.com, 3.com, ..., n.com, n+1.com, ...) and not shortest as in String...

How can I configure "Checking for Errors" for DNS Lookup using Perl?

I have a script which allows me to lookup for a hostname after inputting an IP address which would be forwarded to a DNS server. However even though everything works fine, the program can't seem to print out the errors that I want example if the DNS cannot be found. The Codes: #!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket; use warnings; use strict;...

Reverse proxy with google apps?

Hi there, I'm using a google app engine application on my domain with google apps. Because of China blocking google apps, I'd like to hide google apps by putting a layer between my domain and google apps. Is there a way I can do it? ...

Apache virtual host configuration question

We have discovered that there is an old DNS entry registered somewhere in the world that redirects some old domain name to our servers IP address. This other domain is not registered to us, but Google is indexing the content of that site (which is just the content of our site) and then marking our site's content as a duplicate of that si...

How do I output error for DNS resolve in Perl?

I have currently a DNS Reverse lookup script which works however there is a small little issue of the script being able to output the DNS system errors. The problems goes like this: User keys in false/wrong internet address name etc. "www.whyisthednsnothappening.com" The script would then clear the screen using system(clear) The scrip...

how to redirect any domain name to our web application

we have a saas web app, written in zend mvc (php) where users can enter their own domain name in their settings page. When they enter e.g. www.customdomain.com we want this domain to redirect to our web application so we can serve up their own pages from our app. We do the same already for subdomains by having a *.ourapp.com entry in o...

Bulk Email Validator

Hello all, I wish to either make use of a freely available email validator (software, script or online service). If this does not exist, are there some free PHP classes that I can make use of to validate email addresses? I have about 100 emails and before I send to these emails I would like to check their validity. I don't want my ser...

How to delete a DNS Zone with WMI

I can create a new zone, add and delete records for that zone, all relatively easily using WMI and System.Management, but for the life of me can't figure out how to delete a zone. It doesn't appear to be a method in the WMI Documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682123(VS.85).aspx Any thoughts on how to do this? Tryin...

CNAME for top level domain?

Is it possible to set a CNAME record for a toplevel domain like example.com? My ISP says that it's only possible to use CNAME's for subdomains but I've read somewhere else that is should be possible even if not recommended. ...