
Is "Runtime error 5692" documented anywhere?

The error "Runtime error 5692" gets thrown by range.Find.Execute under some circumstances, including sometimes when the range is empty, and sometimes when a regex search is done with a malformed regex. Is the error documented anywhere? From my position of ignorance, it is unpredictable. ...

What is everyone's take on "documentary" (i.e. not functional) comments?

So we have fancy version control systems these days where we can comment on changes made to code. Is it any longer relevant to put similar "documentary" comments in your code? For example, in a file called Helper.cs: /* * Filename: Helper.cs * Author: Will Johansson * Created: 7/1/2010 * Purpose: Internal helper functionality for XY...

How to Model/Document Existing Stored Procedure Flow

Hi, I started working with a GPS Tracking System, whose backend logic is almost entirely based on the execution of Stored Procedures. They were implemented on a SQL 2000 database. I received the task to document/model the existing stored procedure flow, but I don't have experience with such a task. I was used to UML, but since its focu...

int[] type and documentation

Hi, I'm puzzled about arrays in C#. I can't find any documentation on MSDN about for example the object double[]. I do find documentation about int, array, collections, ... but can't find out of what type double[] is. If I do double[] a = new double[10]; a.GetType(), I find that the type of a is System.Double[] I believe that the type ...

ActionScript - Installing Documentation For Your Own Classes?

Is it possible to write/install your own documentation for self-created classes along with Adobe's documentation in Adobe Help? ...

How do I get rid of the "Release 1" in the Page Header of the Sphinx Latex Output?

I'm using the "manual" document class of Sphinx and I'm quite happy with how the Latex Output looks like, except for the page header. It contains the title of my paper, as well as a "Release 1". Since I'm writing a paper and not a documentation, I clearly don't need the release information. Unfortunately, it is very hard to find inform...

Resources for writing good PHP documentation

I am getting a tool ready to make the source public. I would like to have it well documented for people who would use it as well as potential contributors. I am already using some rudimentary docblocks and some line comments for class variables. Currently I am using doxygen because it integrates into eclipse, but I am not wedded to it...

How to document database efficiently (tables, attributes with definition)?

We have a fairly large database (in SQL Server 2008) with many tables. We have just bought Red Gate's SQL Doc for documentation purposes. We would like to document this database in a detailed way. What is the best practice in documenting a database? How do you document your attributes with definitions? SQL Doc documents the database nice...

phpDoc class constants documentation

Hi, which is the correct way to document class constants for phpDoc? I've read the manual but i can't find anything about them ...

JavaScript Documentation Tool like JAutoDoc for Java

Is there a tool that would generate documentation for JavaScript functions similar to what JAutoDoc does for java ...

Subsonic 3 - Can't decide which property to consider the Key

Hi guys! Is there somethink like a documentation for subsonic 3? I'm just beginning to use it and have a lot of questions. First up this error message: "Can't decide which property to consider the Key - you can create one called 'ID' or mark one with SubSonicPrimaryKey attribute" The code in question is generated by the context.t...

Can I have Scala 2.8 reference documentation offline?

Is there a way to have full standard Scala library documentation off-line? ...

Help with Reddit API Documentation

Looking at the official? Reddit API page it seems quite sparse. In particular I can't like a description of the json files so I don't have to recreate them from scratch (is element x always null and if not what is the type it's supposed to be?). Or an API for submitting stories on there. Can anyone find any other sources of document...

Sphinx documentation on Django templatetags

I am using Sphinx with autodoc for documenting my Django project. Design guys want to have documentation page(s) about all the template tags that are defined in the project. Of course, I can make such a page by enumerating all the template processing functions by hand, but I think it is not DRY, isn't it? In fact, template tag processin...

From GitHub Javascript library to online API documentation?

In the Ruby world if I find a GitHub Ruby library documented with either Rdoc or Yard I can use to generate an API documentation for that library and then read it online. Is there an equivalent solution for Javascript? As an example I want to generate a documentation for this library: ...

phpDocumentor: document only classes

I'm trying to learn about phpDocumentor. I usually put a classe per file. Am I forced to document file and classes? I want to document just classes (Why should i document files?) but i receive warnings... WARNING in comment.class.php on line 8: DocBlock would be page-level, but precedes class "Comment", use another DocBlock to document ...

Alternative XCode documentation readers

The XCode developer documentation manager is pretty good on the whole (search is speedy, formatting is good, organization is pretty good, etc), but there are a couple of things that I feel are missing including (or may just have missed): Fuzzier search: after typing "UITabelViwCell" a bunch of times, it would be nice to get some sugges...

Is down?

I'm not sure if this is just me (or whether this is the appropriate section/question) but is anyone else finding and PyPi to be down? If so is there a newer version or a similar working site? Thanks, Fergus ...

gem server: How to update gems with missing rdoc?

I really like gem server command which bootstraps the webserver with local RubyGems Documentation Index. The only problem I have: some gems don't have rdoc files. How can I add missing rdoc(all gems are mainstream gems, not my own)? Installed via Bundler; Rails 2.3.5 ...

clojure.lang, etc. api

Are the JavaDocs for clojure.lang, etc. available online? Do I need to build it myself from the Clojure source? Thanks. ...