



The error "Runtime error 5692" gets thrown by range.Find.Execute under some circumstances, including sometimes when the range is empty, and sometimes when a regex search is done with a malformed regex.

Is the error documented anywhere? From my position of ignorance, it is unpredictable.

+1  A: 

I did some research, but—like you—I found no documentation.
It appears that this error can sometimes be caused by not clearing find/replace text.

I have tested the code below with several different inputs, and it is running without errors. Note: code requires checking Tools -> References -> Microsoft Word xx.0 Object Library.

Sub TextReplace()

    Dim oWord As Word.Application
    Dim oDoc As Word.Document
    Dim oFind As Find

    Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    oWord.Visible = True
    Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add("C:\in.doc")
    Set oFind = oDoc.Range.Find

    oFind.Execute "foo", , , , , , , , , "bar", wdReplaceAll

    oDoc.SaveAs ("C:\out.doc")
    oWord.Visible = False

End Sub

Feel free to update your question with any errors you get while running this code.

Adam Bernier
Great link - yes, that might be what's behind all of the cases I've seen. I'll check this out.
Charles Stewart
Accepted, solves my problem, although I'm still not quite sure what's going on: it seems like this error should be called "Find freaked out about its internal state", and something like adapting Helmut Weber's Resetsearch subroutine (e.g., at is the way to ensure the state is not too weird for VBA. I still don't have enough of a picture of what confuses VBA's Find to be able to predict when it will fall over; maybe that's worth putting up a bounty for.
Charles Stewart