
Accessing dojox.grid.DataGrid cells by name instead of index

I have a menu of checkbox menu table column names and would like the checking/unchecking of the column name to result in the table column being hidden or shown. I would like to be able to get the column to change via it's property rather than it's index. Currently, I am accomplishing this by generating an associative array o...

problem grid cell editable

Hi; When I edit a cell object Dojox.Grid.DataGrid and I seized fonts... and then I leave the area by clicking outside the grid, the cell is edited. I do not know why? thank you for helping me ...

check if an dijit.dialog in firt plan

Hi, how should I do for check if an dijit.dialog is in first plan thank you for helping me ...

dojo grid source

I want to use dojo grid with mvc but i don't know how the server side function must look like(parameters and return json). All the samples i've seen use a file as a source for grid. Any tips? ...

How do I enable right-click on a link in a Dojo DataGrid?

I have a DataGrid set up where the first column contains a link (Dojo 1.4, escapeHTMLInData=false). When the link is right-clicked, it changes color briefly, but nothing happens. How can I make the right-click show the browser's usual context menu for links? ...

Problems with Widgets in dojox DataGrid

I am trying to include some editing Widgets in my dojox.grid.DataGrid seem to be having a lot of difficulty. I have tried everything I can think of to get it to work, but something just isn't going right. When I started having problems, I tried to copy almost exactly from the grid tests and model my "breakout" of code just like that, b...

Dojo Grid Query

Hi, We are using ItemFileReadStore for providing data to Dojox DataGrid. We need to filter data based on the "status" column. The possible values of "status" are Delivered,Shipped,Processing. Can someone please let me know how to filter based on multiple status values. For example I need to filter by "Delivered" OR "Shipped". Currently ...

DOJO: Adding multiple conditions for querying dojox.grid.DataGrid

Hi, I'm trying to create a DOJO DataGrid populated using a with very simple json data which has an ID and a description. When an event occurs, i need to filter the rows displayed based on the IDs. When its a single ID, i can fix it by just adding myGrid.setQuery({ID:"someIdIWant"}); Is there some way i can fi...

How to create a new widget for dojox.grid.cells.dijit?

I am trying to create a button widget for dojox.grid. My problems are: 1) The button is only shown when I double click the grid. 2) I can't figure out how to set attributes through declarative markup. It seems that the markupFactory function is responsible for it but it doesn't set the widget's label. The following code demonstrates what...

How do you conditionally style a cell in a Dojo data grid?

Essentially what I want to do is to apply additional CSS classes to individual cells in a data grid based on the value of the cell. An example would be to color the text red when a dollar value is negative. The only solution I've found was to use the formatter of the column to create a string for a span that has the class based on the ...

Dojo Data grid with custom HTTP headers

I have DataGrid that connects to REST service. I need to pass some custom HTTP headers (Authorization and others) to fetch operation. How can I do that? Data store is JsonRestStore. ...

onchange event on the cell dojox.grid.datagrid

Hello, I want to know if an onchange event on the cells of the widget dojox.grid.datagrid if the answer is yes, how can I use??? thank you in advance .. ...

Looking for Examples and Source of a working Dojo TreeGrid widget

Anyone know of some working examples with source of the dojox.grid.TreeGrid widget? The docs on DojoCampus don't have an example and the nightly test doesn't have source. Supposedly, this is trunked in Dojo 1.4, but I can't get it working. ...

Combine columns in dojox.grid.DataGrid?

I have a DataGrid that has a data store of the typeL How do I access other xml values for the current node in the function defined in the formatter attribute? I've looked at formatterScope and that seems to be the right direction, but the documentation is very vague. Any ideas? ...

Multiselect options in dojo data grid

Is there a way to have a multi select combo box for a editable column in dojo data grid? ...

Dojo DataGrid very slow

I have a DataGrid that reads from a XMLStore. There are about 2200 rows in the DataGrid. Every time I scroll the table, it takes a couple of seconds to show the data. It seems like only a few rows (20-25) are retrieved at a time. Is there a way to retrieve all the rows at once? ...

Dojo datagrid won't display inside another div

Hi, Trying to get a Dojo datagrid working - have duplicated the first example on the documentation page ( & it works just fine. However, when I try to display the grid inside another div (i.e. putting 'gridContainer4' from the example inside any other div) nothing displays... Any help mu...

dojox.enhancedGrid get Selected Row

How can I get the Selected Row Object of dojox.enhancedGrid ? I am using selectionMode: 'single' e.g. with Radio Buttons. dijit.byId("gridViewWidget").selection.selectedIndex Returns the rowIndex. But how to get the rowObject of that Index ? I can get the rowNode()But What I need is value of the id column of that Row. Its possible to t...

Dojo Datagrid throws "Cell is undefined"

cell = document.createElement("td"); cell.setAttribute("colspan", "1"); cell.setAttribute("valign", "top"); var grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({ id: "gridID", store: new{data: {items: []}}), elasticView: "2", selectionMode: "single", autoWidth: "true", rowCount: "4", layout: [{fie...

Dojo: how to get row data in grid's context menu item handler?

I'm using Dojo 1.4. Given a dojox.grid.DataGrid in markup: <table jsId="grid1" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" structure="layout" delayScroll="true" columnReordering="true" selectable="true" onRowDblClick="onRowDblClick" onRowContextMenu="onRowContextMenu" headerMenu="grid1_headerMenu"...