
Onclick doesn't fire in IE when DOM element created via jQuery

So here is the jQuery snippet I am using to create a div that I want to click on $("#someID").after('<div style="cursor:pointer; text-decoration:underline; display:inline;" onClick="alert(\'It Worked\');">Details</div>'); This Works in FireFox without any problems its just IE that doesn't fire the event. The div is added right after ...

Select the parents of a DOM object, and Exclude the Children of the selected parents

I'd like to display a dialogue when a user clicks out of the DOM object that holds my app. I was thinking, I'd just put a one time click event on all parents and then trigger the dialogue with that. Because the DOM object that I'm getting the parent's for is included, it's triggering the dialogue even when the object it's self is click...

how to use XPATH process DOM node on ANDORID?

Hi folks, I am in a ANDROID project that use XPATH a lot. I followed the way in The Force Unleashed: XML+XPath On Android Using Dom4j And Jaxen. Everything's fine beside the performance. The XML file's big and read intensively. Following code consume 6 mins. org.dom4j.Document MatrixXML = (new

YUI Dom.getChildren

Can you change classes without id when your classes are dynamic and only the parent has an id? I have something like: <div id="number_block"> <div class="one science easy left"></div> <div class="one science easy center"></div> <div class="one science easy right"></div> </div> I only reach this part var number_block_children =...

Record what I'm doing in Firefox, Chrome or IE8/9?

Is there a way in any of the three major Windows Browsers (Firefox 3.6, Chrome, Internet Explorer 8 and soon 9) and ideally for Safari on Mac to 'record' my interactions with the Website? By that I mean recording something like Clicked Button 'btnSubmit' Entered 'bla' in input 'txtSubject' DOM Interactions that is. I'm guessing I co...

Show exact same selection range in two text fields

I have two text fields on top of one another. The one on top the user types into. The one behind it auto-completes out words with a light gray font. It works great, until you're up against the edge of the text field on top. How can I scroll the bottom text field along with the top to keep their text perfectly overlaid? Thanks in ad...

how to get multiple values from a list using php?

sir, i hav a list.from these list i want to select multiple values to another list and get these values using is my code. <script type="text/javascript"> function addOption_list() { for(i=document.drop_list.Category.options.length-1;i>=0;i--) { var Category=document.drop_list.Category; //document.write(Category); if(do...

An "if mouseover" or a "do while mouseover" in JavaScript/jQuery

Is there a JavaScript or jQuery solution to run a function repeatedly (after setTimeout) while the mouse is over a DOM object? Otherwise said, is there a JavaScript "do while mouseover" (or "if mouseover")? $('someObject').bind('mouseover', function() { //Do the following while mouseover $('someOtherObject').css('...

How bad is it to add custom attributes to HTML tags?

Possible Duplicate: Custom attributes - Yay or nay? Hello, it might be a very basic question but I wonder if are there any implications to set custom attributes to HTML tags... in terms browsers compatibility, SEO, complainants etc. thanks ...

Firebug constructor function vs user function

I have made a quick search about what is the mean of Firebug DOM tab coloring and I've got that: Red colored bold text points "constructor function" Green colored bold text points "user function". here is the reference link What is the difference between the two type of functions. For example: I have a page that included jQuery.js, ...

Scroll to top of parent frame on iframe change?

Is it possible to scroll(0,0) to the top of the parent page when the user browses in an iframe. For example we have an iframe that is the entire height of the page with search results. When you click the next page button in the iframe, the focus stays at the bottom of the page. I'm not even sure if is possible to detect this. The ifra...

Selecting an element after the currently matched Element with jQuery?

I have HTML like this: <div id="Div1">...</div> <div class="someClass">...</div> <div id="Div2">...</div> <div class="someClass">...</div> <div id="Div3">...</div> <div class="someClass">...</div> So I have unique DIVs but also some that are indistinguishable from each other. I want to remove a div and the one below it, for example I ...

get element by name by selenium IDE

I'm trying to get element by name, and I have a problem This is a element from amazon site: <input type="text" style="width: 100%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" title="Search for" size="50" value="" name="field-keywords" class="searchSelect" autocomplete="off" id="twotabsearchtextbox"> and this is how I'm trying to get this...

Parsing HTML to return CSS rules from ids and classes attributes with PHP

Hi, I hate to have to write down a lot of CSS rules and then enter my styles in it, so I'd like to develop a tiny php script that would parse the HTML I'd pass to it and then return empty CSS rules. I decided to use PHP's DomDocument. The question is: How could I loop through the whole structure? (I saw that for example DomDocument on...

Drawbacks to always using live() instead of bind() for unique dom elements ?

When writing jQuery binding events, I typically use the bind() aliases (click(), submit(), etc). But, the more I use dynamically generated content, the more I find its ambiguous as to when bind() won't work, and end up debugging for a half hour until I try live() and it works. Within the parameters of ID-selectors (like '#foo', not ....

How to add xml header to dom object

I'm using Python's xml.dom.minidom but I think the question is valid for any DOM parser. My original file has a line like this at the beginning: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> This doesn't seem to be part of the dom, so when I do something like dom.toxml() the resulting string have not line at the beginning....

What would cause DOMDocument.load to fail loading XML from a URL that is accessible?

$doc = new DOMDocument(); if ($doc->load('')) { // good } else { // wtf happened? } I can wget from the location where the PHP code is running, so I know the URL is accessible. I'm thinking it must be something other than an HTTP error. I'm not sure what else could be causing the failu...

PHP REGEX: Find a dom node based on innerHTML

As I am well aware that PHPDom can solve half of my problem, I'm in need of a way (not necessarily regex) to be able to find a certain DOM element based on a given innerHTML. say for example i got this code: <tr> <td class="ranking_rank" style="vertical-align:middle;">48697</td> <td class="ranking_ign" style="vertical-align:middle;...


Hi, please take a look at the following code. var oFra = document.createDocumentFragment(); var myDiv = document.createElement("div");"myId"; oFra.appendChild(myDiv); oFra.getElementById("myId"); In this case do i have ref to the div i just inserted inside documentFragement using the variable myDiv? Lets sa...

Does changing the innerText of a DOM element result in a new layout caculation/render?

I know that certain changes to the DOM of a web-page (by JavaScript) will result in the rendering engine calculating a new layout for rendering (not sure if my terminology is correct). I have a process that updates data fairly frequently with comet style long-polling requests. Some of these updates are fairly frequent. I know that a...