
What's the correct way of accessing reference data in this Domain Data Modelling scenario?

Initial Warning: Long post and I might have got the pattern totally wrong anyway: Given the following class which is the start of the Customer Aggregate: public class Customer : KeyedObject { public Customer(int customerId) { _customerRepository.Load(this); } private ICustomerRepository _customerRepository = IoC.Res...

ASP.Net MVC - Is this entity layer a step too far?

I have a domain data model which returns a class such as the following: public class ZombieDeath { public virtual int ZombieId {get;set;} public virtual FatalHit {get;set;} } public class FatalHit { public virtual int HitId {get;set;} public virtual string Zone {get;set;} public virtual string Weapon {get;set;} ...

Is this the correct way to instantiate an object with dependencies from within a Domain Model?

I'm trying to avoid ending up with an anaemic Domain Model, so I'm attempting to keep as much logic as possible within the domain model itself. I have a method called AddIngredient, which needs to add a new KeyedObject to my Recipe Aggregate. As the Domain Models themselves are meant to be devoid of repositories, I'm getting the ingredi...