
How can I profile the performance of a .NET app already deployed to a customer?

I have several customers where my WinForms app does not perform as well as at other customers. I use JetBrain's dotTrace here in the office, but that does not help me find bottlenecks on the machines of our customers. How can I profile the performance of a .NET app already deployed to a customer? Are there any profiling tools with a redi...

JavaScript Profiler like JetBrains dotTrace?

I'm a big fan of dotTrace for my web application and I wanted to find a solid javascript profiler that functions about the same way. I've looked around and can't seem to find a JavaScript profiler like that. Anyone know of a Javascript profiler like dotTrace? ...

.net dottrace memory profiling usage questions - Filter Circular References

I use DotTrace as memory profiler. I wonder how it can filter circular incoming references? As for the scenarios that I want to see who the hell holds reference to my object and keep it alive, those circular references, especially event handlers are not of interest but the true bad reference is often hidden among them. Additionally, w...

JetBrains dotTrace, is it possible to profile source code line by line? else I need another tool

I am using JetBrains dotTrace, I've profiled my app which is entirely CPU bound. But the results as you walk down the tree don't sum to the level above in the tree, I only see method calls not the body lines of the node in questions method. Is it possible to profile the source code line by line. i.e for one node: SimulatePair() 99.04...

Using dotTrace with a 2005 web app

I am trying to run dotTrace 3.1 against a 2005 project using the ASP.NET Development Server option. The settings I am using are: ASP.NET Development Server - checked Path to web-server root: c:\projects\fooProject Virtual path on server: /barApplication Port: 81 (automatically detected) This will run, but no web page comes up, so I s...

Profiling real time = 45 secs, but thread time = 0.387 secs what could cause this discrepancy?

So, our hosting provider recently moved our test server from one environment to another, virtualized environment. After the move some things on the test environment got extremely slow. For example logging in to remote desktop was slow, not using remote desktop, just logging in. Also some applications that usually runs like the w...

Resharper 4.5 and dotTrace 3.1 integration problem

Hi. I am not able to get Resharper profile a unit test, although I have dotTrace installed on my machine. Actually, the dotTrace button in VisualStudio is also greyed out. the VisualStudio AddIns menu list dotTrace as started. VS2008 sp1 Windows 7 64bit R# 4.5 dotTrace 3.1 I tried Restarts, Reinstall, Re-whatever. Has anyone experien...

Dottrace Dead vs. Garbage

After reading the dottrace documentation I realized that: Dead objects are objects deleted before the end point of the snapshot. Garbage objects are objects allocated after the starting point and deleted before the end point - in other words, "Garbage objects" is a subset of "Dead objects". But after doing some profiling sessions, I ...

Is it possible to use dotTrace within a virual machine?

Hi, I've been trying to run dotTrace 3.1 on my Windows 7 development machine. However, it turns out that dotTrace 3.1 dont work on Windows 7 properly. I've been in a discussion with JetBrains regarding this who confirms that it is a know issue that won't be addressed until the next release. So now I'm thinking about setting up a virtual...

Profiling help in

I am building a site using WebFormsMvp and Entity Framework 4. The site is a bit slow and when i profile in dotTrace these three methods take 75% of the time. (My first method takes about 3%) System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne(SafeHandle, Int64, Boolean, Boolean) Microsoft.Samples.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Pipe.PipeNative....

How to find cpu hogs in a (monorails) web application

My web application is pretty ok in terms of speed, when I develop it, but as soon as I have higher load, cpu usage goes up to 100%, the ventilators spin up considerably and it is impossible to deploy. It seems anything more than 30 or so concurrent requests will kill the server. Of course I could add caching and some problems would go a...

What does dotTrace Performance Profiler mean by [Garbage collection]?

What does [Garbage collection] mean in this pic? And the "20 calls" thing? I mean, how can I figure out why GC took so long? Was it collecting a lot of small objects? A single big one? Any hints as to how to optimize this at all? The code in question is: private void DeserializeFrom(SerializationInfo info) { Width = info.GetInt3...

Detecting W3WP CPU issues using jetBrains dotTrace

Hi, Our W3WP process on our production server is constantly high. It doesn't max out at 100% but jumps up into the 90%s a fair bit. To help look into this I profiled the live aplication using JetBrains dotTrace. The results were as expected. All the slow methods were NHibernate functions that queried our database. My question is, would...

What's the meaning of dotTrace's numbers in Line-By-Line profiling?

What do those numbers mean exactly? Times the line was hit? Microseconds per invocation? Or what? Also, what do the 'progress-bars' behind the numbers mean? They aren't even proportional to the numbers, so I'm really confused. ...