
What is a double underscore in Perl?

I'm trying to understand someone else's Perl code without knowing much Perl myself. I would appreciate your help. I've encountered a Perl function along these lines: MyFunction($arg1,$arg2__size,$arg3) Is there a meaning to the double-underscore syntax in $arg2, or is it just part of the name of the second argument? ...

Why do people use __(double underscore) so much in C++

I was having a look through some open source C++ code and notice a lot of double under scores where used in the code, mainly at the start of variable names. return __CYGWIN__; Just wondering is there a reason for this, or is it just some people code styles? I would think that I makes it hard to read. ...

Using '__progname' instead of argv[0]

In the C / Unix environment I work in, I see some developers using __progname instead of argv[0] for usage() messages. Is there some advantage to this? What's the difference between __progname and argv[0]. Is it portable? ...

What is this double underscore in Cocoa

The single underscore in Objective-C is apparently reserved for Apple's "internal" use (and was available for use with private instance variables prior to Apple's claim). But why would they use a double-underscore in their SQLiteBooks example for the iPhone? See this snippet taken from MasterViewController.m: + (EditingViewController *)...

The meaning of a single- and a double-underscore before an object name in Python

I want to clear this up once and for all. Can someone please explain the exact meaning of having leading underscores before an object's name in Python? Also explain the difference between a single and a double leading underscore. Also, does that meaning stay the same whether the object in question is a variable, a function, a method, etc...

Python classes special methods

Could someone please give me a complete list of those special methods that you can put in classes, e.g. a couple are __len__ and __add__, but what are the rest? Thanks. ...

Double Underscore in PHP?

What does the double underscores in these lines of PHP code mean? $WPLD_Trans['Yes']=__('Yes',$WPLD_Domain); $WPLD_Trans['No']=__('No',$WPLD_Domain); ...

Purpose of Python's __repr__

def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s (%s:%s) %s>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.urlconf_name, self.app_name, self.namespace, self.regex.pattern) What is the significance/purpose of this method? ...

Why does python use two underscores for certain things?

I'm fairly new to actual programming languages, and Python is my first one. I know my way around Linux a bit, enough to get a summer job with it (I'm still in high school), and on the job, I have a lot of free time which I'm using to learn Python. One thing's been getting me though. What exactly is different in Python when you have expr...