
Goal: How to implement search option within " " [double quotes]

Hi all. My goal is to implement a file searching option within " " [double quotes] in my application.. Any help would be deeply appreciated.. ...

Write MIME file with double-quotes

I am manually creating a multi-part MIME-formatted file and submitting it to an SMTP pickup directory. When the email arrives in my inbox it has lost the opening double-quote of any double-quote terms. e.g. <html lang="eng"> becomes <html lang=ng"> I have checked the file before it is submitted to SMTP (PowerMTA) and it does cont...

how to run shell script command with double quotes in the argument?

I need to run this command psql -c "create database $var with encoding 'unicode';" -U edumate template1 from the script under different user. The su syntax is su postre -c 'some command' so there are another quotes required. Also please note that the psql command has $var variable inside. so 'some command' = psql -c "create database ...

need help! sed or awk how to replace text

i have a json file, some data like this: {"last_modified": {"type": "/type/datetime", "value": "2008-04-01T03:28:50.625462"}, "type": {"key": "/type/author"}, "name": "National Research Council. Committee on the Scientific and Technologic Base of Puerto Rico"s Economy.", "key": "/authors/OL2108538A", "revision": 1} the name's...

fix a awk script

BEGIN{ q = "\"" FS = OFS = q ", " q } { split($1, arr, ": " q) for(i in arr ){ if(arr[i] == "name"){ gsub(q, "'", arr[i+1]) # print arr[1] ": " q arr[2], $2, $3 } } } a json file have some data like this: {"last_modified": {"type": "/type/datetime", "value": "2008-04-01T03:28:50.625462"}, "type": {"key": "/type...

Difference between single quote and double quote string in php

Hi, I'm not a major in PHP programming but I'm a little confused why I see some codes in PHP with string placed in single quote and sometimes in double quote. I just know in .NET, or C language, if it is in single quote, that means it is a character, not a string. ...

HTML & PHP : Doublequotes-Singlequotes Issue

in HTML we can face='Tahoma' face="Tahoma" and in PHP $name = "Junaid"; $name = 'Junaid'; $names = array('Junaid','Junaid','Junaid'); $names = array("Junaid","Junaid","Junaid"); now all these statements are correct with single or double quotes but what difference does it make which is the preferred method what types of quotes t...

Turn off automatic quote insertion in Visual Studio 2010

I am editing a huge number of legacy ASP pages that have been converted over to C#. One problem is that the HTML attributes need to be adjusted to correct some double quote problems. My problem is that when I add a double quote VS dutifully inserts the closing quote in the wrong place. I then need to go an delete that quote and enter t...

Using <div class="something"> inside a jQuerty replaceWith() function

I am working on a PHP document which has jQuery code in it. I am using a replaceWith() functions to strip outer divs and replace with span. it seems I can only replace it with <span> and not <span class="something"> Why is that? Edit: Here is an example of the code: Thanks Dave, but I actually use the second option in your code above,...

learning about single and double quotes (.),("), and (')

Can you tell me what is the different using (')single quotes inside (")quotes and (")quotes inside (')single quotes? and at concat, what is the meaning of this '".$bla."' I still can not distinguish them. ...

String Containing double quotes is inserted incomplete in DB

Updated The textarea i have provided in the form takes the user input as strings String Containing double quotes is inserted incomplete in DB.. I have a string inserted in text area as "Don't worry too much about layout/design/text size, we will often "spice up" (i.e. bold, italic, spacing) your banner for a better overal...

How can I use regular expressions and javascript to split the following command into tokens:

filter -n ""function(file) { return file.owner == "john"; }"" should be parsed into the following array: [ 'filter', '-n', 'function(file) { return file.owner == "john"; }' ] ...

How to remove double quotes from a variable in a batch file ?

var may be double quoted: set var="Very long text" or without quotes: set var=Some_Text I would like to get the unquoted text, i.e. Very long text in the first case and Some_Text in the second one. How could I remove the double quotes, if exist ? ...

How to add doublequotes to a string that is inside a variable?

I have variable like: string title = string.empty; My need is that whatever string is passed to it I have to display the content inside a div with in a doublequotes .So I have written something like: ... ... <div>"+ title +@"</div> ... ... But how to add the doublequotes here? So that it will display like : "How to add doublequot...

Regex polish: how not to include quotes on quoted substrings in search

I've written a regex to split a search string into its component parts. Features include: Operators: +, -, AND, OR Word grouping by quotes (single and double for now) Correctly ignoring apostrophes So: ((?<=^|\s)(?:[\+\-]?"[^"]+"(?=\s|$)|[\+\-]?'[^']+'(?=\s|$)|[\+\-]?\S+|AND|and|OR|or)(?=$|\s)) What is the easiest way to exclude ...

Need to send two kinds of quotes in a string via jQuery

I'm sending some html via jQuery, and in this html are various values that need to be quoted, and in one instance, there's a nested value, so I have to be able to send both kinds of quotes. Here's some mock code: var myVar = "<tag value='foo' value2="config={'bar':null, 'foo2':true}" />"; How can in ensure that the double quotes are s...