
how do I download a file in c# using webclient?

Hi, I have a java application that downloads a file from a remote server. I would like to know where the application actually downloads a file. I tried to capture tcp/ip packet and I found out below information. protocol: TCP remote address: local port: xxxx remote port: xxxxx I know exact file url now. However, when I...

DownloadFile from the Internet?

Hi everyone, I'm confused with the code block below because why it downloads the contents of the webpage rather the file itself. I create dummy file with some texts in it then I download it, but when I open the download file, I don't see any text that I wrote but it has weird web language tags. private bool DownloadCSVfile() {...

If I have the URL of a torrent, how can I just "launch" it using the Process.Start()?

I found a way to obtain the URL of a torrent file, if I have this in string format, is there a way for me to just launch it whenever a user presses a button in my app? I know I could save the file and then call it up, but I'd rather just open it. Is this possible? ...

Reading in a File (AS3) and repeatedly/dyamically accessing the data

This may be a tired old question, but I have yet to find a good answer. Say for instance you have a class that reads in an xml file to get information such as a grocery store items, prices, etc. This class also allows you to retrieve the information about a grocery store item with a get() function. var grocery:GroceryStore = new Grocer...

using downloadFile downloads the file, but does not preserve line breaks

I am trying to download a data file to my application the file can be viewed here: here is my code: string address = ""; string filename = "vsd.txt"; WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadFile(address,filename); It downloa...

Handling two WebException's properly

Hi Everyone, I am trying to handle two different WebException's properly. Basically they are handled after calling WebClient.DownloadFile(string address, string fileName) AFAIK, so far there are two I have to handle, both WebException's: The remote name could not be resolved (i.e. No network connectivity to access server to downloa...