
Size of background images to support all medium and large android screens

I'm writing an app and I want one of my activities to have a background, I've read the android docs about supporting multiple resolutions etc, but my designer is asking me what size the wallpapers should be and I do not want a lot of images for low,normal,high dpi in all the screen sizes. What would be the most space efficient way to g...

How do I get the screen DPI using wxPython?

I can get the screen resolution in with wx.DisplaySize() but I don't see a method which gives me the DPI. ...

Creating canvas objects at a higher DPI than screen?

I've got a canvas object that I need to be able to create at a higher resolution than what native screen resolution is. I'm using the Flot graphs library, and I'd need to output a graph that looks just as good when it's printed as when it's displayed on screen. The only method I can think of is making the canvas size 3x larger, then sca...

How do I inform the search suggestions view of the DPI of my images displayed as thumbnails?

I have an activity which uses the Android search and the auto search-suggestions capability. The thumbnails I am using in my activity are all stored on the SD card (there's a lot of them) and are all in MDPI resolution. When using them in my activity this is fine as I can account for this and scale appropriately, however in the search ...

How do I convert a WPF size to physical pixels?

What's the best way to convert a WPF (resolution-independent) width and height to physical screen pixels? I'm showing WPF content in a WinForms Form (via ElementHost) and trying to work out some sizing logic. I've got it working fine when the OS is running at the default 96 dpi. But it won't work when the OS is set to 120 dpi or some ot...

hdpi assets no longer loading

Hey. all, I'm in the process of up-scaling the graphics for my game for better display on higher density devices. I created the higher dpi artwork, added it to the correct place (res/layout/drawable-hdpi). I added the following to my manifest: <supports-screens android:smallScreens="false" android:normalScreens="true" ...

PrintDocument_PrintPage & Graphics.DrawImage size in inches

I'm trying to print an image sized 2x2 inches. Created a conversion function (inches to pixels) based on the resolution. However, the result is far from 2x2 inch, printing produces image that barely fits the whole sheet! Am I'm doing something wrong? Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.D...

Determine windows DPI settings programmatically?

Hello, we've got a problem with one of our non dpi aware MFC applications. If you change the system setting to high dpi (e.g. 120 or 144 dpi), the application icon on the taskbar looks screwed up. Unfortunately, we have to register our own WNDCLASS for the mainframe, and in the WNDCLASS.hIcon member you have to set an icon. This icon is...

Win32: Displaying a Stock Icon in a Dialog Box under High DPI

Hi, I've got a dialog box where I need to display the standard Information icon. Here's my RC code: ICON "",IDC_ICON_INFORMATION,18,70,21,20 I process the WM_INITDIALOG message as follows: HICON aIcn = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_INFORMATION); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hWnd, IDC_ICON_INFORMATION, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM) aIcn, 0); Everything wo...

How to detect font scaling mode used?

In the Windows 7 "Custom DPI Setting" window, there is a setting called "Use Windows XP style DPI scaling". Does anyone know how to detect if this setting is in use? ...

How would you calculate the point size of a font necessary to best fit a predefined area?

I have an interesting problem. I'm almost there but am curious how others would tackle it. I want to display some multi-line text in a predefined area. I don't know what the text will be or how big the area will be so the function would have to be written generically. You can assume a standard font is always used but the point size is...

does image dpi matter to web browsers?

In the past I had seen occasions where images that weren't 72 dpi wouldn't show in some web browsers, primarily Internet Explorer 7. However, weird thing is, I have tested this lately and it appears that images of 300dpi are showing in IE. Does DPI matter anymore for web? Will photos of some DPIs not display in some web browers? ...

For the same screen resolution and DPI settings, Can the pixels for a IDE control change between two OSes?

Assume a GUI application is opened on three machines running Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows7. In all the three machines, the screen resolution and the DPI settings are set to be the same value. Will there be a difference in the way the application is displayed on the screen in terms of number of pixels used and their position on t...

how can i change the dpi of an image with the imagick extension

I need to change all uploaded files to 72 dpi. I'm using the php imagick extension. heres what i've tried (the image i'm using is 300dpi): $image = new Imagick(); $image->setResolution(72,72) ; $image->readImage($img); $image->resampleImage (72,72,imagick::FILTER_UNDEFINED,1); $image->writeImage($target) this doesn't seem to anythin...

Android Image/DIP Questions

I am making a tile based game for Android. For the sake of argument, let's say I want to have 6 tiles across the top of the screen and that I want the tiles to fill the screen regardless of the phone I am using. The way I understand it, I want to be using Density Independent Pixels in my code to make sure that the images look the same ...

Is there an easy way to force Windows to calculate text extents using a fixed DPI value, instead of the current DPI setting?

I am wondering if there is an easy way to calculate the text extent of a string (similar to GetTextExtentPoint32), but allows me to specify the DPI to use in the calcuation. In other words, is there a function that does exactly what TextGetExtentPoint32 does, but allows me to pass the DPI as a parameter, or a way to "trick" TextGetExtent...

C# WinForms disable DPI scaling

I have a WinForm application which hosts many images. When I put the application on a Win7 machines that has a DPI of 120, it completely ruins the look of the form. Is there a way to disable the scaling for my form? I am aware that this is something that is not advised and that DPI should be seamless and handled by the OS. But when it c...

imagemagick change DPI

Hi, I want to change the DPI of my image using imagemagick, now i found out this can be done by using -density. But as i understand it this will just edit the metadata (filesize remains the same) of the image and the DPI value will be used when printing (it's actually PPI i thought). If you change it it will make the print size larger....

Screen Layout for Samsung Galaxy S (480 x 854) Problem

Does anyone know how I should layout my app for phones with the same screen as the Samsung. My app displays perfectly on small and normal densitys but for some reason the buttons are slightly higher on hdpi screens and I have to tap above them to get them to work... its very annoying. Im trying to find out what the dip size etc is so I ...