
Is It Possible To Create A Cursor In WPF From a VisualBrush?

I'm doing some Drag and Drop operations, and I want to use a visual copy of the element I'm dragging for the cursor. It's easy enough to get a VisualBrush of the element, but I have no idea how to turn this into a cursor. I've read the Jamie Rodriguez blog posts, but his solution isn't quite what I'm looking for because he essentially ...

C# Implementing Auto-Scroll in a ListView while Drag & Dropping

Hi, How do I implement Auto-Scrolling (e.g. the ListView scrolls when you near the top or bottom) in a Winforms ListView? I've hunted around on google with little luck. I can't believe this doesn't work out of the box! Thanks in advance Dave ...

Delphi drag images challenge

Hi all, The code below enables a control (a label for instance) to show drag images while the dragging operation. My problem is that I do not want to show the drag image instanly when the dragging begins, I want the image to be displayed when the mouse is on specific boundaries of the control - eg. in the right half of the label . S...

How to avoid flickering effect with javascript drag and drop.

I use the following javascript (with jQuery) to handle drag and drop on a script I am writing: jsc.ui.dragging = false; jsc.ui.drag_element = {}; $(".drag-target").mousedown(function() { jsc.ui.drag_element = $(this); jsc.ui.dragging = true; }); $("html").mousemove(function(e) { if(jsc.ui.dragging) { jsc.ui.drag_element.css({"posi...

Dragging an item from a QTableView/QSqlTableModel

I want to be able to drag an item (actually a whole row) from a QTableView that has a QSqlTableModel as it's model. QSqlTableModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) doesn't return Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled. Does that mean the only way I can get this to work is if I subclass QSqlTableModel and reimplement the flags() method? Thats seems like...

Drag and Drop

How to Implement Drag and Drop Between my Program and Explorer ya windows application only ...

c# find TreeViewItem to drop data

I want to drag data from a ListView and drop it in a TreeView(the draging works fine). I use DataBinding and ItemTemplate to fill the TreeView. <TreeView ItemsSource="{Binding Groups}" Name="tvGroups" AllowDrop="True" Drop="tvDrop" DragOver="tvDragOver"> <TreeView.ItemTemplate> <HierarchicalDataTe...

Python Desktop Integration - Drag and drop

I have a pygame window that I want to know when a file has been dragged and dropped onto it. I only need to be able to fetch the name of the file. How can this be accomplished? ...

Retain foreground window when starting drag and drop operation

In my .Net application, the user can drag rows from a grid on a main window into other application windows. Often the main application window is behind the window that the user is dragging into. By default, as soon as the mouse button is depressed on the main window, it gains focus, hiding the window that the user wants to drag onto. I...

Why does Firefox allow images to be dragged but not dropped?

If you browse a web page through Firefox, any image on the page can be dragged anywhere on the screenbut you can't drop it. Other browsers such as IE or Chrome do not allow dragging images. Is this a issue? Why does Firefox allow dragging? ...

How do I create drag-and-drop Strawberry Perl programs?

I've got a Strawberry Perl program that accepts a single-file as a command-line argument. How can I set things up such that I can drag and drop the desired file onto the Strawberry Perl program (or a wrapper around it) and the program runs with that file's name as an argument? ...

Creating a drag and drop application in ASP.Net 3.5

I need to make a client able to drag and drop images into category-folders in an ASP.NET 3.5 web-app. I was hoping that an option existed, that was almost as easy to use as the Reorderlist from Ajax Control Toolkit, and where I did not have to look into JQuery or similar handcoding. What are your recommendations? Similar questions hav...

JTable - drag and drop

OK, this problem is out of my league. I'm trying to implement a GUI widget in swing that allows files to be dropped onto a JTable, and allows the rows of the JTable to be dragged for re-sorting. Think VLC's playlists or the one in iTunes. I got dropping files from the OS (Explorer, Finder, etc.) working just fine, but I'm having an impo...

Drag&Drop Java/.NET

Hi everybody, I need to implement a drag&drop mechanism between a C++ .NET application and a Java GUI, in both directions. Is it possible with some standard API or do I need some custom library? ...

Adobe Flex / as3: How to implement custom drag-and-drop cursors

Our product team has requested custom cursors during drag/drop operations. They have provided me with three images to implement: Open-Hand-Grabber.png: displays when a user hovers over an item that they can drag Closed-Hand-Grabber.png: item is being dragged Closed-Hand-Grabber-No-Drop: item dragged over an area where it cannot be dro...

Best ajax framework for drag and drop support

I have to build an app and the drag and drop functionality seems to be the most onerous part. What is the best Ajax framework for Drag and Drop according to one or more of the following parameters: Learning curve Code size Browser compatibility ...

ExtJs sortable elements list

Is there any implementation of sortable list in ExtJs as JQuery UI .sortable has ? Or how could I drop element using jQuery UI sortbale from eastern panel of ExtJs layout to droppable sortable element in central panel of layout ? Now dragging element hides under layout :( ...

Is there a WYSIWYG Text editor that will allow cut-n-paste of images from a web page

I need a web based editor that will allow the user to drop an image on the screen and it will upload the image and then reference it. Are there any editors out there that will fill the bill. I mainly need it to work in IE6 as that is what IT here has deemed as the standard browser. ...

AutoScroll iframe parent while dragging (Prototype & Scriptaculous)

I am having an iframe on a page. The iframe resizes itself based on the content loaded in it. So, it won't be having any scroll bars. The iframe contains a list of draggable elements (Prototype & Scriptaculous). I have to drag the elements from bottom to top or vice versa, and while dragging, the parent window should scroll accordingly....

Javascript - getting path of file dropped into HTA

I am building a little HTA for personal use, and would like to be able to drag and drop a file to the interface. Once the file is dropped, I would either automatically run it (assuming it fits some parameters I set, like file extension), or at least fill in the input box on the HTA interface. I've searched extensively, but can't find a ...