
DrawDib StretchDIBits which one is faster?

I've never used DrawDib APIs, My Application's UI rendering is based on stretchDIBits. Because there are really lots of large images to draw , the stretchDIBits's (HAFTONE is used to get better render result) performace is bad... I heard about DrawDib is a group of efficient APIs to draw DIBs to DC. Is it better than stretchDIBits? Ca...

how to Improve DrawDIB's quality?

I am coding in c++, gdi I use stretchDIBits to draw Images to dc. ::SetStretchBltMode(hDC, HALFTONE); ::StretchDIBits( hDC, des.left,des.top,des.right - des.left,des.bottom - des.top, 0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), (img.accessPixels()), (img.getInfo()), DIB_RGB_COLORS...