
Tricks to speed up Eclipse

Which tricks do you know to make the experience with Eclipse faster? For instance: I disable the all the plugins I don't need (Mylyn, Subclipse, ). Instead of using a plugin for Mercurial I configure TortoiseHG as an external tool. ...

C# XML Reading hanging out

C# XML Reading hanging out Hi Friends,I have a 100 MB XML File.Got suggestions from linked in that In C# XMLReader is the best for reading XML File..But when i use that reader for reading of size 100 MB XML File,its reading but some times hanging...could any body help how to proceed with XML reader with out stucking..? ...

Speed up Visual Studio Tips

Simple question: Can you share some ideas/tips/hacks to speed up working/programming/IO in Visual Studio IDE? Thanks Exact Duplicate: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8440/visual-studio-optimizations ...

Speed boost to adjacency matrix

I currently have an algorithm that operates on an adjacency matrix of size n by m. In my algorithm, I need to zero out entire rows or columns at a time. My implementation is currently O(m) or O(n) depending on if it's a column or row. Is there any way to zero out a column or row in O(1) time? ...

php accelerator review

1) Can you recommend me a PHP accelerator for PHP V5.2.6? 2) Do you know about any recent test comparation/review of those modules(Alternative PHP Cache, eAccelerator, XCache, Zend Optimizer, Zend Platform, ionCube PHP Accelerator, Turck MMCache, Nusphere PhpExpress)? ...

Database speed optimization: few tables with many rows, or many tables with few rows?

Hi guys, i have a doubt (big). Lets take as example a database for, dunno, a whatever company's orders. Lets say that this company make around 2000 orders per month, so, around 24K order per year, and they dont ant to delete any order, even if 5 years old (hey, this is an example, numbers dont mean anything:) In the meaning of have a ...

How to do alpha blend fast?

I am using c++ , I want to do alpha blend using the following code. #define CLAMPTOBYTE(color) if((color) & (~255)) {color = (BYTE)((-(color)) >> 31);}else{color = (BYTE)(color);} #define GET_BYTE(accessPixel, x, y, scanline, bpp)\ ((BYTE*)((accessPixel) + (y) * (scanline) + (x) * (bpp))) for (int y = top ; y < bottom; ++y) { BYTE...

how to Improve DrawDIB's quality?

I am coding in c++, gdi I use stretchDIBits to draw Images to dc. ::SetStretchBltMode(hDC, HALFTONE); ::StretchDIBits( hDC, des.left,des.top,des.right - des.left,des.bottom - des.top, 0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), (img.accessPixels()), (img.getInfo()), DIB_RGB_COLORS...

How do i find out what is slowing down my page load in IE7

http://shanamccormick.com The page loads all the images and then says "(1 item remaining) Waiting on http:// shanamccormick com..." How can i see what it is waiting to load here?? and why does it take sooo long? The index.html file uses a couple small internal JS and one external JS located within my website (jquery.min) The size of t...

How to decrease build times / speed up compile time in XCode?

What strategies can be used in general to decrease build times for any XCode project? I'm mostly interested in XCode specific strategies. I'm doing iPhone development using XCode, and my project is slowly getting bigger and bigger. I find the compile / link phases are starting to take more time than I'd like. Currently, I'm: Using S...

CSS / Page Loading Speed

Hi, Just wanted to get a few opinions really, i'm trying to increase the loading speed of my site, and one way that google pagespeed has suggested is to remove the unused CSS from my css file for each page. At the moment I am using one master CSS file for every page on the site. My question is would having individual CSS files for eac...

Is there a way to speed up this code that finds data changes in two XML files?

The following code compares two XML texts and returns a collection of data changes between them. This code works fine but needs to be as resource-friendly as possible. Is there a faster way to do this in LINQ, e.g. without creating the two collections of XElements and comparing each of their fields for differences? using System; using...

Delphi loop speed question

Is there a faster way? I basically need to add AA-ZZ to thousands of records at a time. Just a list of 35 items takes quite a while to complete muchless a list of a thousand. procedure Tmainform.btnSeederClick(Sender: TObject); var ch,ch2:char; i:integer; slist1, slist2:TStrings; begin slist1:= TStringList.Create; slist2:...

speed-up python function to process files with data segments separated by a blank space

I need to process files with data segments separated by a blank space, for example: 93.18 15.21 36.69 33.85 16.41 16.81 29.17 21.69 23.71 26.38 63.70 66.69 0.89 39.91 86.55 56.34 57.80 98.38 0.24 17.19 75.46 [...] 1.30 73.02 56.79 39.28 96.39 18.77 55.03 99.95 28.88 90.90 26.70 62.37 86.58 65.05 25.16 32.61 17.47 4.23 34.82 26.63 5...

Creating an ASP.Net Table is very slow, is there a better solution ?

Hello all, I have a DataTable with 20.000 row and 15 column. I need to create an ASP.Net Table, my code is similar to this: //foreach Row in my DataTable do the following: TableRow t2Row = new TableRow(); TableCell t2Cell0 = new TableCell(); t2Cell0.Text = Count.ToString(); t2Row.Cells.Add(t2Cell0); ...

Python code optimization (20x slower than C)

I've written this very badly optimized C code that does a simple math calculation: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) unsigned long long int p(int); float fullCheck(int); int main(int argc, char **argv){ int i, g, maxNumber...

Benchmark Linq2SQL, Subsonic2, Subsonic3 - Any other ideas to make them faster ?

I am working with Subsonic 2 more than 3 years now... After Linq appears and then Subsonic 3, I start thinking about moving to the new Linq futures that are connected to sql. I must say that I start move and port my subsonic 2 with SubSonic 3, and very soon I discover that the speed was so slow thats I didn't believe it - and starts al...

speed up Eclipse on OSX

Trying to work with Eclipse for Android (ADT plugin) development at my iMac (2.4Ghz, 4Gb RAM) and it's very slow (Eclipse Galileo SR2 x64). I know about eclipse.ini tricks and make some changes like: -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC And use Java...

Why is my computer not showing a speedup when I use parallel code?

So I realize this question sounds stupid (and yes I am using a dual core), but I have tried two different libraries (Grand Central Dispatch and OpenMP), and when using clock() to time the code with and without the lines that make it parallel, the speed is the same. (for the record they were both using their own form of parallel for). T...

iphone threading speed up startup of app

I have an app that must get data from the Sqlite database in order to display the first element to the User. I have created a domain object which wraps the DB access and is a thread safe singleton. Is this following strategy optimal to ensure the fastest load given the iPhone's file access and memory management capabilities in threaded...