
how to set the show position of datepicker?

dear i have a datepicker inside my form. after i click the textfield, datepicker show to up(reverse with drop down). how do i do if i want to show datepicker dropdown not dropup? ...

jQuery strange behaviour on click() from a click()

Hi, I am facing a strange behaviour in jQuery 1.4 with the click event. The idea is to click on a drop-down list (change()), which then invert twice a collection of checkboxes by using the click() function of them. If I have to do so it is because the click on checkboxes update other fields, so I thought instead of inverting the checkbox...

setting html parameter option dropdown value via url

Hi, I would like to set the default of a drop-down menu of a webpage by passing the default value in the url. Id like to put a link on a another webpage to this site where the: "I would like my contribution to go to:" option is set to Pakistan: moonsoon floods e.g. by doing something like: http://donate.ifrc.org/?desc=Pakistan: mon...

PHP Dynamic Drop Down Menu

Here's the situation: I have a menu that needs to be created dynamically from the database. The menu hierarchy is determined by a 'parent' column in the table (each entry has one parent or NULL if it is only a parent) The problem is that I can't think of how I would dynamically do this, considering I need proper <ul><li><ul><li> structu...

How do I create a product attribute out of my custom module in Magento?

How do I create a product attribute out of my custom module in Magento? I'm working on a "record store" in magento and I've created an "artists module" to store artist information. Now I want to have an "Artist" dropdown attribute for the catalog items that is fed from this module. I understand how to create custom attributes in the m...

Using JQuery Autocomplete combobox

Hi There, Im trying to use this JQuery code in my program: http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#combobox Its basically a combo-box which has a auto-complete field and a dropdown button. When I try to use my combo box inside form tags, it doesnt work properly - the dropdown button keeps submitting the form when i just want to look ...

Jquery: Is there something wrong with my .load()?

I have a problem with this code... The preloader shows up when this function is fired, but it never hides. The page also shows up before the image inside it is finished loading. Is there something wrong with my load function? $('select.select').change(function() { var x = $(this).val(); //Hide the current page and show the p...

CSS submenu ie7 problem

Hello. I have problem with a css menu. It is correct on firefox,chrome,opera,safari and ie8. But not on ie7. You can find the menu here. You can see that every li in the submenu is not shown correctly, it breaks below it. How can I fix it? (I hate ie...). Thanks in advanced. ...

Make drop-downs automatically drop in a loop cycle

Has anyone ever tried making the drop-downs appear like a carousel? I have a horizontal menu with a few drop downs. I thought it would be cool to make the drop-downs cycle automatically with a automatic hover triggers after a certain delay. Any thoughts? ...

Dropdown doesn't work on newly added elements

I have multiple dl elements on a page. At the end of each one I have a dd tag acting as a dropdown which includes options for the element (like edit, delete, etc.) Here's the jQuery for the dropdown: $('dd.optiuni').mouseover(function() { $(this).find('ul').show(); }); $('dd.optiuni').mouseout(function() { $('dd.optiuni ul').h...

Ajax DropDown Extender - Move Items Below

Hi I have a sidebar menu. There's not a lot of room, I'd like to use the Ajax DropDown so that only items at the top level hierarchy are displayed until the user clicks. I currently have one DropDown stacked on top of another (ultimately there will be approx 10). I've got the drop down working with an OnShow/FadeIn animation. The probl...

ToolTip for indivisual item in asp.net dropdown control

Hi, In my web site i have one asp.net dropdown control.The length of value in the control is too long to display in that control.I can't increase the size of control because of space consistency in my website.Its difficult to the user to see entire value in dropdwon to select a correct value.So i decided to make a tool tip for each item...

Alternative Representation of a Website Drop-Down Navigation

I'm being brought in to re-design a website that currently has five or six hover-drop-down-style-list-menus. They are displayed similar to the expanding menu on the left hand side of http://www.amazon.co.uk/ except the menu runs horizontally. I hate these kind of drop-down menu lists and I was wondering if any of you could help me figur...

Style a select and options elements with multiple columns.

I'm using google translate selects as a reference. When you click to choose the languages the options shows with multiple columns. http://translate.google.com/ How can I do that ? ...

Select Dropdown Box with Curl

Hi, how can I select a field in a dropdown box with curl ...

Drupal Secondary Links Front Page Issue

I'm trying to get my secondary links (which are using primary links as the source, so the children of the primary links) to display as a dropdown on every page. However, since (im guessing) there is no active trail on the front page, the secondary links aren't displayed. How do I set them so that I can display the secondary links on th...

Are there any jquery scripts that can do a Deviantart style drag and drop down?

I'm incredibly impressed by the favoriting system built into Deviantart. I'd link to a demo but you have to be logged into deviantart to see it. So I'll describe it. Basically it's a div or something that exists at the top of the page hidden. When you grab a picture (thumbnail or full size) and drag it toward the top of the screen, the...

only show X records in dropdown

hi is there a way with the code i have posted to only show a cretain amount of records in a dropdown list. i am not talking about the LIMIT 0,5 in mysql. i have 1000,s of records and it is causing IE to hang. firefox is quick. if someone could give me some guidance i would be grateful. thanks. <p><fieldset><legend class="style8">Select ...

Grails - Multiple Drop Down Boxes Values

Hey I am learning Grails. I've been playing with it for a while but nothing too serious. And let's say I have two drop down boxes, one with the type of animal and the second with the breed. How do I give the second box the values?? For example, If I select dog, it should only show me dog breeds, not the cat ones. Thanks in advance. ...

In an HTML form, I need to generate incrementally increasing values in the dropdown options of a select tag.

Here's what I need to write for a bunch of dropdown menus: <select> <option value="23">23</option> <option value="23.5">23.5</option> <option value="24">24</option> <option value="24.5">24.5</option> [etc...] </select> It needs to increase by .5 for every option. The etc. part is where I need to repeat the process...