
Drupal Conent as a Menu

In Drupal I have the page content type. I have created a vocublary and the terms in it make a heirachy as below: Bird Mammal Dog Poodle bulldog Cat Tiger Rabbit Reptile Lizard I select the term when I create a content type. I wish to display all the pages that have have this conent type in a menu (unordered list) maintating t...

Drupal combined user+content search

Hi, for my current project I need to implement a search functionality, that combines both the content search and the user search. This raises several issues, for example relevance. Nodes have a relevance when searched, and users do not. Now, I was thinking how to tackle this the best way. To my knowledge, I have several options : h...

Drupal MultiSite, Multiple Sites or Organic Groups

I am using Drupal for a project but am not sure on the best way to implement the following. I have one main site with it's own look and feel. I want another site with certain members of the main site in it. It should have it's own look and feel. It should have both public and private conent. What out of the folling would you do. Use ...

Drupal views: selecting nodes with no children matching a condition

I would like to find all nodes of type A which don't have a child of type B matching a certain condition. For example, imagine I have a department node and an employee node. A department has an employees field which lists all the employees. Each employee has a type, let's say manager or peon. I would like to find all departments that...

Not getting the name module in Drupal

i am working on Drupal 6.14 and i am not able to get the name module. For this i downloaded name_registration.tar.gz but i got the error Access Denied. What do i do? ...

Provide user with "change permissions" link on content type?

I'm trying to find a simple solution to a specific problem, which is a way to allow bloggers on my site to be able to control permissions on individual posts. So they could decide whether to have their post show up for all visitors, or for authenticated users only. The closest module solution I've found so far is the Node Access module...

allow anonymous to create page

hi all: I have set permission to allow anonymous user to create page. but when the anonymous user submmited the page, drupal 6 responded "page not found". i have checked drupal backend, there was no page created. so my question is, which permisson option i have to set to allow anonymous user to create a page. ...

view and primary link

I have a primary link "accommodation", then i have created a view , called "listing", and set that listing path to "accommodation". but when i access url myurl/accommodation , the view was not show up. but default content of primary link "accommodation" showed up. how can i make myurl/accommodation to show my "listing" view. thanks ...

Drupal 6 hook_form_FORM_ID_alter adding upload file field

I'm trying to extend a form and add an upload file field from within a module, I can see the file field just fine, but it's empty when I submit the form, the enctype is set. $form['#attributes'] = array( 'enctype' => "multipart/form-data" ); $form['file_upload'] = array( '#type' => 'file', '#title' => 'Attach Image' ...

Why is document.body == null in Firefox but not Safari

I have a problem with a page where I am trying to get colorbox (a kind of lightbox for jQuery) working. It doesn't work apparently due to the document.body being null in FireFox (3.5.3). This is not the case in Safari (4.0.3) where the colorbox works. Something that jumps out at me is that (I'm using Drupal 6) drupal has appended a scri...

how do I extend a contributed module in drupal

How can I extend an existing module without modifying it? Actually its a contributed module, so I don't want to hack it. But I want to alter and add certain features to it. I'm new to drupal and as I read tutorials about it, I keep hearing one thing again and again - Don't hack the core... and I believe the same applies for modules too. ...

retrieve how many node belongs to a taxonomy

i have follow taxomony has been set up: accommodation -backpacker -guest -holiday and i have a content type called listing which is connected with accommodation taxomony, whenever i add a listing, this listing is associated with a type of accommodation. now i need to find out how many listings under each taxomony. for example: if i ...

drupal and jquery

i have turned on jqury-update module for drupal 6, but jquery was not not loaded, i have checked page source, not jquery here. are there any steps i need to do to load jquery? i have copy all jqury files to misc folder. it just not loaded by front page ...

get vocabulary id by name

I can retrieve a vocabulary id directly from DB, but is there a built in function for this? for example: i have a vocabulary called "listing", i need that built in function takes "listing" as function argument, and return a vid. i am using drupal 6 ...

Drupal Custom CCK field with multiple child fields

Is there a way of creating a composite field that can have multiple values, with each value having another group of composite values? E.g. we want to have this structure at the end: Group 1 (unlimited number of groups) Child field (unlimited children for each group) Child field ... Group 2 Child field Child field ... ... Is this...

Saving nodes with a filefield

I'm in the progress of creating a bulk upload function for a Drupal site. Using flash I'm able to upload the files to a specific url that then handles the files. What I want to do, is not just to upload the files, but create a node of a specific type with the file saved to a filefield that has been setup with CCK. Since these are audio f...

Anyone familiar in Drupal 6 Services module specifically node.save

I can save/update on regular fields but I'm having trouble saving/updating CCK fields. here's an example node.save() XML request - http://pastebin.com/m5ceca16 ...

Drupal Views: filtering on a cck field?

Content type Events has intro, body and an "event date" field (using Date module). In the Page View I'd like to filter nodes so that only items with an "event date" in the future appear. Problem is, when I try to add a filter field, this "event date" does not appear in the list. Is what I'm trying to do possible? Seems simple enough ye...

Drupal theming a row in a view's display

I'm trying to theme a single "display" in a view. What I'm trying to achieve is to have some control over how the row is rendered (eg. print the fields in the row, and maybe add some text in between. along with some divs for styling purpose). I've looked for days for the template to edit. I've used even the Theme Developer and the View's...

Drupal 6: Theming a field in views

Basically I want to create a php code in my template (views-view-field--body.tpl.php) that would say the following... if [body] print [node_view] endif ...