
Registering Drupal Menu Paths?

If I am making a module, and want to have two custom paths: path/path/path/index.htm (calls drupal_get_form) and post to path/path/path/result.htm How do you do that? I get a 404 on the second path. I get the form and what I want with the first path easily enough. All I want to do is theme the form results as a drupal table and displ...

Drupal: how to add menu link to password change?

Hi. Do You have any idea how to easily add a menu link "Change Your password" that would lead to Edit Profile page? I can programmatically add it, but I hoped that in the Admin Panel I could add a link, like [drupal]/user/edit that would redirect me to [drupal]/user/[id]/edit. The best solution that comes to my mind is to create a s...

theme_menu_item() is not working

Hello I have a Drupal theme called wellington located in \sites\all\themes\wellington. I wish to override the menu_item function and followed the instructions at http://drupal.org/node/310356. I want to add a class to the li as described. I have tried naming the function wellington_menu_item and tried phptemplate_menu_item but no luc...

Multiple arguments on menu callback

I know how to pass one argument to a menu callback $items['someaddress/%'] = array( 'title' => 'title', 'page callback' => 'some_function', 'page arguments' => 1, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK ); I don't understand why the argument being passed is $_POST['nid'] but this works. It corresponds to page argument 1. function...

Drupal: Create menu item for a view

Hi, I am creating a small reservation system. you can create nodes of a type that can be reservated, like a projector. I have a calendar view with normal displays. I addes an argument for the node reference, but I have problems defining the page callback. Can someone help me out? Now I want to create menu items for the different nodes ...