
using views argument in the view tpl.php file

hello all. i am a newby to drupal. here is my problem: on my main page.tpl.php i have this code lines: "if ( $is_front == TRUE ) { print views_embed_view('all_product_by_type_thin', "default", "canon"); print views_embed_view('all_product_by_type_thin', "default", "Nikon"); }" as you can see, in case of the front page i print the "a...

Repeating escaped chars in a PHP date function, within Drupal6/Views

I am trying to make a custom php date function for use within D6 that will show dates in the correct format for Chinese. I created the date format within the Date API area of D6, something along the lines of: Y\年n\月j\日 In the Date admin area, this correctly display as "2010年10月22日". My problem occurs when I bring this over to Views w...

How to increase character length for title in views-slideshow module?

Hi All, Im maintaining this Drupal Site which is using Slideshow Views for displaying the featured posts. Its using Slideshow Thumbnailhover SlideShows contribution of 'Views Slideshow' http://drupal.org/project/views_slideshow Module for Drupal. However, even after scanning through the code and browsing though all settings, I cant figu...

Is it possible with Drupal Views to have AND and OR in a filter set?

I am attempting to build a view with four filters (A, B, C, D). With Views 3 it is possible to select whether you want these filters to be chained with AND statements or OR statements. Is there a way to configure views so as to chain some of them with AND and others with OR? For example, ending up with a query that is similar to: SELEC...

How can I add a summary row to a Drupal View?

I've built a view (Drupal 6.x, Views 2.x). I'd like to be able to add a summary row at the end of this view — total up several columns and include the totals in the summary row. How can I do this? Is there some Views data-altering hook I can implement, to change the constructed data (before it gets themed)? (Note that I can't use vie...

Display content in two columns with fixed height in drupal

I'm in need of some pointing in the right direction here... I have a site with a couple of different content types. I want to display this content in a book-like layout. The book should be of a fixed width and height and the pages should be populated with as many nodes as can fit. It should be in two columns, with the left column being ...

How to generate a list of which Features are enabled in which Spaces?

I'm running a Drupal 6.x site with Organic Groups, Features, and Spaces, and I'm interested in generating a list of which Spaces have which Features enabled. Preferably a table, with Spaces along the Y axis, and Features along the X axis. Any ideas regarding how to generate this? I can generate a list of Group Spaces using Views, but ...

Drupal 5 Sorting Views By One Vocabulary

I am using drupla 5.x and views. In one listing, I need the data sorted by vocabulary. I checked the method by adding taxonomy term name in sort criteria of view. I have 3 vocabularies and I am using all the three to list and as well as exposed filters. But I need the list to be sorted by only one vocab. Ex. Vacab.s are Bank Name, Savin...

Multiple node reference, display the original node as many as node reference

I have 2 custom type made with CCK : Reunion Title Description Node reference to Guests (multiple) Guests Name Picture Biography In Reunion I have a multiple node reference to Guests. (I can have multiple Guest in Reunion). I would like to print (using views) like this : Reunion 1 Description of the reunion 1 Guests : * G...

drupal 6, merging two content types in a view(2.0) results

I am building a site for research oriented company. and having problems showing fields from two different content-types into one view without duplicating node (titles). To be specific. I have a content type called as 'Articles' where all the information like title, teaser, body, year, image will be stored. and another content type by na...

Drupal : Views : Adding static text on top of view when not filtered

Hi there! I want to add a static text (some sort of explanation/welcome text) on the very top of a view (over the filter) in Drupal 6.x with Views "2". I want this text appear only when the view is not filtered (i.e. on initial load of the page). My problem is that the only place I figure out to make it work partially is in the views...