
How do I get aside layout to work in hobo 0.8

I have tried several different things in clean.dryml and application.dryml. It's not clear (without reading the source) how this works. I would expect one of these to work, but they do not. <old-page merge layout="aside"> OR <old-page merge aside-layout> ...

Does anybody have any experience with Hobo?

I'm thinking of adopting HOBO for quicker development of some Rails apps I want to develop on the side for myself. Obviously there seems to be a certain learning curve to get the different concepts and specific coding practices of the gem and its dryml templates. Also the documentation seems close to non-existent so I'm not sure I wan...

Syntax highlighting for .dryml in Notepad++

I've been learning Hobo, an awesome wrapper for Ruby on Rails that I'm finding extremely DRY and n00b-friendly. But how do I set Notepad++ to automatically recognize .dryml files such that appropriate syntax highlighting is applied? ...