
Disable DTD warning for ant scripts in eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Ganymede. Everything works fine, but I have an anal-retentive yearning for a warning-free Problems tab. Right now it (correctly) complains about my ant scripts: "No grammar constraints (DTD or XML schema) detected for the document." Any way to turn that off for just those files? Ideally I'd like it to still warn me ...

What's up, Doctype?

What is doctype and why do I want to use it? What are the different doctypes I can use? What is the difference between standards and quirks mode, what are some quirks I may run into with differently set doctypes? Lastly, what is the proper doctype that I should be using? ...

XmlDocument and slow schema processing

I have an xml template document that I need to load into an XmlDocument. eg myXMLDocument.Load(myXMLFile); However this is very slow as it loads in the dtd. I have tried both "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd" and a local copy of the dtd. Both take more or less the same time. If I turn of loading the dtd by setting the ...

Extending XHTML

I'm playing around with writing a jQuery plugin that uses an attribute to define form validation behavior (yes, I'm aware there's already a validation plugin; this is as much a learning exercise as something I'll be using). Ideally, I'd like to have something like this: Example 1 - input: <input id="name" type="text" v:onvalidate="retu...

schema validation with msxml in delphi

Hi, I'm trying to validate an XML file against the schema's it references. (Using Delphi and MSXML2_TLB.) The (relevant part of the) code looks something like this: procedure TfrmMain.ValidateXMLFile; var xml: IXMLDOMDocument2; err: IXMLDOMParseError; schemas: IXMLDOMSchemaCollection; begin xml := ComsDOMDocument.Crea...

DTD questions (one or the other [or both])

For my assignment I have been assigned the task of creating a DTD for representing a virtual-geocaching game. I am having a problem representing the location which can be either gps or wifi or both but not more then one of each. How would i represent this? The closest I could think of is listed below. <!ELEMENT location ((gps|wifi)+)>...

How does one parse an XML document after first validating against a DTD in VB6.

I am attempting to write a XML parser in VB6. The standards that the XML is based off of comes with a DTD to verify the XML before you begin parsing. I have also written a sample XML file so that I have something with which to test. I am able to load the XML via the vb6 code Dim objXMLDoc As MSXML.DOMDocument Set objXMLDoc = New MSXM...

How to get the unparsed entity attribute's value from XSLT?

I have a problem with XSLT and unparsed entity in XML. Here is a fictional scenario. First I got an XML file named doc.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE document [ <!ELEMENT document (employee)*> <!ELEMENT employee (lastname, firstname)> <!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)> <!...

.NET : How to validate XML file with DTD without DOCTYPE declaration

I have an XML file with no DOCTYPE declaration that I would like to validate with an external DTD upon reading. Dim x_set As Xml.XmlReaderSettings = New Xml.XmlReaderSettings() x_set.XmlResolver = Nothing x_set.CheckCharacters = False x_set.ProhibitDtd = False x = XmlTextReader.Create(sChemin, x_set) How do you set the path for that e...

Any schema language for XML that allows for specifying constraints like no cyclic references?

Is there any schema language for XML that allows for specifying a constraint that there can be no cyclic references between elements. As a toy example: <animal name="A" eats="B"> <animal name="B" eats="C"> <animal name="C" eats="D"> would validate, but <animal name="A" eats="B"> <animal name="B" eats="C"> <animal name="C" eats="D">...

How to tell whether an XML document validates against a DTD or XSD?

In Java, I can validate an XML document against an XSD schema using javax.xml.validation.Validator, or against a DTD by simply parsing the document using org.xml.sax.XMLReader. What I need though is a way of programmatically determining whether the document itself validates against a DTD (i.e. it contains a <!DOCTYPE ...> statement) or ...

How can I ignore DTD validation but keep the Doctype when writing an XML file?

I am working on a system that should be able to read any (or at least, any well-formed) XML file, manipulate a few nodes and write them back into that same file. I want my code to be as generic as possible and I don't want hardcoded references to Schema/Doctype information anywhere in my code. The doctype information is in the source d...

Where are the schemas for XML files on an Android project?

Where are the schemas (DTD or XML schema) for the XML files used on Android like AndroidManifest.xml or the layouts? ...

Can I create an XML document from dtd file in Java?

I have a simple DTD file with elements and attributes specifications. Can i create a suitable XML file (with DOM) parsing this DTD with Java and no external APIs? Thanks in advance ...

How to disable XML DTD validation in Oracle DB?

Hi I am using following statement in select portion of the query: extract(XMLTYPE(doc.payload),'/SHOW_SHIPMENT_005/DATAAREA/SHOW_SHIPMENT/SHIPMENT/SHIPITEM/DOCUMNTREF/DOCUMENTID') it works well if the doc.payload contains XML without DTD declaration, but raises an error when DTD declaration is present as Oracle tries to validate the d...

Working with XML document type definitions in .net

Is it possible to import an XML DTD into Visual Studio in order to generate a proxy class? I have a third party .dll that I need to interface with that is designed like an XML service. The interface into the .dll is all driven by XML inputs, and returns output as XML. The nice thing about it is that all the input and output types are we...

Is there any free to use XSD (DTD) for Rx documents (drug prescription)

I'd like to explore and possibly use (reuse) open XML formats/schemes (DTD/XSD) for drug (medication) prescription documents (Rx) issued by medical doctors and later processed by licenced pharmacists and health insurance companies. Is there any such freely XSD available and what I have to take care when considering and incorporating int...

Using a doctype with XML

I'm using a seperate .dtd file as a doctype for my custom xml file: names.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE name SYSTEM "names.dtd"> <names> <name> <text>Pep&eacute;</text> <creator>&lost;</creator> <history>&lost;</history> </name> <name> <text>Charles</text> <crea...

Equivalence of DTDs and XMLSchemas

Hi, I've always understood XMLSchemas and DTDs to be equivalent but that the latter is more cumbersome to use when modeling complex relationships (like inheritance). Recently I wanted to build a schema to validate documents that have a structure like this: <data> <array> <int></int> <int></int> </array> </array> <float><...

What is the importance of DTD and how it affects the display of the web page page

What is the importance of DTD and how it affects the display of the web page page at runtime ...