Can you perform a 'dumpdata' in Django on just a single model (rather than the whole app) and if so, how?
E.g. for an app it would be...
python dumpdata myapp
However, I want some specific model, (e.g. myapp.mymodel) to be dumped... reason being I have some huge datasets (3 million records plus) in the same app that I would...
Is there a easy way to dump UTF-8 data from a database?
I know this command: dumpdata > mydata.json
But the data I got in the file mydata.json, Unicode data looks like:
"name": "\u4e1c\u6cf0\u9999\u6e2f\u4e94\u91d1\u6709\u9650\u516c\u53f8"
I would like to see a real Unicode string like 全球卫星定位系统 (Chinese).
I'm trying to use dumpdata to generate JSON for a database that is sufficiently large for django to take a long, long time to output. Is there any way to dump only a subset of the fields; say, 100, for testing?
I'm using MySQL and Django 1.0.
I'm getting an error when I'm trying to dump data to a JSON fixture in Djanog 1.2.1 on my live server. On the live server it's running MySQL Server version 5.0.77 and I imported a lot of data to my tables using the phpMyAdmin interface. The website works fine and Django admin responds as normal. But when I try and actually dump t...