
Trying to get DXperience under Linux: I get "Windows Installer 3" required when installing .NET 2.0 under wine in SLED

I want to try out DXperience component suite on Linux (Suse Linux enterprise desktop). Since it relies heavily on the PInvoke calls, Mono would not work out here. Some people were able to get this running by installing .NET 2.0 under wine on Linux. I've tried to do this with the winetricks and manually. Every time .NET 2.0 install on S...

Pixel shader weird compilation error

hi, I'm experiencing with shaders a bit and I keep getting this weird compilation error that's driving me crazy! the following pixel shader code snippet: DirectionVector = normalize(f3LightPosition[i] - PixelPos); LightVec = PixelNormal - DirectionVector; // Get the light strenght factor ...

No dx in android SDK?

I just downloaded android SDK for linux_x86. I cannot find dx though. Document says it should be on /tools/ . is dx not included any more from some point? ...

How can I use jar libraries in Android compiled with packages that Android doesn't have

I need to import a couple of jars that where compiled under the full implementation of java. I know that Android doesn't use all the packages that java has to offer. My question is: Is it possible to import them without creating errors? Is there a tool that can convert jars to android jars? if so, can some examples be provided. Any help ...

Using DX Auth for Codeigniter

Has anyone used DX Auth for Codeigniter bundeled examples? After following Installing DX Auth library with bundled examples on http://dexcell.shinsengumiteam.com/dx_auth/installation/index.html I added a route $route['auth'] = "auth"; in config/routes.php, uploaded /controllers/auth.php, added $autoload['libraries'] = array('database'...