
Android ==> Decompile .apk??

Are the users able to convert the apk file of my app back to the actual code? If they do is there any way to prevent this? ...

Android dex to convert to java class format

Is there any tool available to convert android dex file format to java class format? I've looked at dex2jar, but it looked very early in development. I'd like something that is stable enought for use. ...

Assemble a dex file

If you take an apk off the android filesystem and change the extention to .zip then open one of the xml files it won't work because it's encoded in dex. But you can run ./adb dexdump -l xml layout.xml > ~/Desktop/layout.xml then edit it to your likeing. I can't figure out how to get it back in the apk though. I think I need to encode it ...

How can I use jar libraries in Android compiled with packages that Android doesn't have

I need to import a couple of jars that where compiled under the full implementation of java. I know that Android doesn't use all the packages that java has to offer. My question is: Is it possible to import them without creating errors? Is there a tool that can convert jars to android jars? if so, can some examples be provided. Any help ...