
Set path to .dylib path in Cocoa app

I'm developing a Mac OS X Cocoa app and want to use several .dylib libraries. How do I set the path to a .dylib which resides somewhere in my Application folder? What if the path resides in different directories on different computers or is not existent at all? ...

Bundles and dylib lookups

My .app packages looks like this: MyApp.app/ Contents/ MacOS/ MyApp libA.dylib libB.dylib libC.dylib PlugIns/ PlugIn1.bundle/ ...bundle contents PlugIn2.bundle/ ...bundle contents Both PlugIn1.bundle and PlugIn2....

Making a 64 bit shared library that dynamically links to a 32 bit library on Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Update: After some more reading I see that this problem is totally general, you can't mix architectures in the same process, so 64 bit Java cannot dlopen() a 32 bit library like FMOD. Is there any possible workaround for this, keeping in mind I'm writing my own C interface to the FMOD library? I need to make a 64-bit dylib on Max OS X b...

how to make python load dylib on osx

Hi, Trying to load a shared lib out of the current '.' dir in a unit test on osx. What works on Linux and Netbsd there is a symlink _mymodule.so --> ../.libs/libmymodule.so but on osx, python's import mymodule won't find _mymodule.dylib --> ../.libs/libmymodule.dylib I've tried adding export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ...

Does Os X have ways to load functions in a dylib by something other than the name (like loading by ordinal on windows).

Or in other words, does the order of functions in the function name list matter? It does on windows, for loading by ordinal. I don't think such a thing exists on OsX. Using Google I don't find anything, but Google will only find things that do exist, and not prove that they don't exist ;) I might just not be using the right search terms....

How to determine if an OS X dylib was linked with -flat_namespace

I have a third party OS X dylib that I'm using in my app and don't have easy access to its creator. I'd like to determine if it was linked with -flat_namespace. Is that possible? If so, how? ...

What's the difference between starting a process from the dock vs. the command line on OS X

I'm debugging an issue on OS X that only occurs when the application is started from the dock. It does not happen when the app is started from the command line. What is the difference between the two scenarios? The code I'm working with is a c++ based bundled plug-in being loaded in a third party app. I've attached to the process wit...

iphone dylibs and frameworks are already in the device?

Are dylibs and frameworks already in an iPhone, or does my app actually incorporate them? Also, in Xcode I see dylibs with identical names. Sometimes the subsequent names are incremented, as in libz.dylib, libz.1.dylib, libz.1.1.3.dylib, and libz.1.2.3.dylib. If I have to include libz, should I use the one with the highest rev number, ...

How to link as .so instead of .dylib on OSX 10.6 using qmake

Hey everyone, I am trying to use SWIG to wrap some C++ code for the use with Python. As described here it seems to be necessary to link my C++ code against an .so file, not a .dylib file. The thread suggests to use libtool in combination with the -module flag to link, but I am using qmake and need more precise instructions on how I do t...

Problem with header files of ARToolkitPlus after making the ARToolKitPlus dylib!

I'm writing this Augmented Reality app for the iPhone and I'd decided to use ARToolKitPlus for it. Using QMake, I created the xcode project file and subsequently the libArToolKitPlus.dylib I tried to compile and run the sample files "simple" and "multi" which worked well. Now all other attempts that I tried to create another project and...

CORE Keygen Problem

Hi, after fighting several versions of the CoreKeyGen created by some "minamoto" guy, a new version has appeared. This version is particularly sophisticated and seems to modify the actual binary itself, using a dylib known as libbassmod.dylib (this is in the keygen's mac os folder). Has anyone ever come across this & can give me advic...

Using libssl in xCode

Hello, I have tried to include openssl (I try to implement a ssh client) and I've added libssl.dylib to my XCode Project. But I don't know which header I have to include to use it. Can anyone show me a tutorial how to use libssl in xcode? thanks ...

My sample dylib is not working in iphone Device but working fine in Simulator

Hi All, I have created a sample dylib with add(int,int) method. I kept this dylib in usr/lib and tried to call this method by including this in frameworks of my iphone application. Now this works fine with Simulator but not running in my Device. Can any one give me clue Where I am going wrong. Following are the Error/warning messages I ...

building and deploying dylibs to a differerent folder in XCode

How do I get the following process to work. I create a blank new XCode project with a Console target. If I build and debug it now, it prints "Hello World". I add a new target to my project - I want a dynamic library. Add a .c file that contains at least some function so that building the dylib project produces an output file. I right c...

Install my compiled libs in the system to be used by an executable

Hi! I am using Xcode and, after some struggling, it is compiling my dynamic libraries okie dokie for now. My kinda-problem now is that I need to use those libs with another project, that is an executable. I would like that Xcode, after compiling my libs, copy them to the executable folder, or, better, copy the libs to a system dire...

Window from nib in dylib

Hi, I'm quite new to the Mac but reasonably expirienced with windows. What I need is a window owned opened and closed by the library (dylib). This is very easy to do in MS Windows but seemsnto be hard under Cocoa. I used the code from apple's 'CocoaInCarbon' example with C++ Wrappers. But the 'NSApplicationLoad()' followed by 'NSBundle...

Adding GraphicsMagick to an Xcode project

Hi, I have created a Foundation Tool in Xcode, and want to use some functions from the GraphicsMagick image manipulation library. The library has been compiled and installed on my computer using MacPorts. I added libGraphicsMagick.3.dylib and libGraphicsMagickWand.2.dylib to my project as external frameworks. What other steps must I ta...

How to export symbols in dylib release in xCode 3.2.3 (GCC 4.2)

All symbols where exported in previous version of xcode but now we have upgraded to OS X 10.6.4 and xcode 3.2.3. So, in debug xcode property Fix & Continue is enabled which causes all symbols to export but in release its disabled and now while linking to this dylib we get undefined symbol error. I tried to add exported symbol file but do...

Calling functions from a C++ dylib and Header in a Cocoa Application

Hello all! Great website, has been super helpful these past few weeks. I am writing an app in Cocoa that requires the use of a C++ dylib and header files. I need to call functions from a header file in my app. Ive tried several ways to import and include these libraries into my app but always end up with missing symbol errors. The librar...

Is it possible to recreate the C++ header files needed to use a given .dll/.so/.dylib?

Is it possible to recreate the C++ header files needed to use a given .dll/.so/.dylib? If it is, how would one go about doing that? ...