
How can I test a .class file was created?

I want to unit test my code which will have to create a .java file compile it and then the corresponding .class file should be created. How can I create the test to see if the ".class" file is created? I have added test already for its existence, now I'm trying to test the file is a valid class file. I tried try { Class.forNam...

Java: Strong Code mobility How to?

Does anyone know how to use Java for Strong code mobility? Have you ever done it before? Here's what I try to achieve. Suppose we have 2 separate Java applications that communicate over network. App A and App B. App A has a class x instantiated as an object, and has been using it. App B has no prior knowledge of this class x. App A n...

Python: dynamic class generation: overwrite members

I have a python class hierarchy, that I want to extend at runtime. Furthermore every class in this hierarchy has a static attribute 'dict', that I want to overwrite in every subclass. Simplyfied it looks like this: 'dict' is a protected (public but with leading underscore) member class A(object): _dict = {} @classmethod de...

What's the term (if any) for frameworks that support dynamic class creation?

Hi. Sorry about the vocabulary question, but I'm writing my master thesis and it's a pain to repeat "frameworks that support dynamic class creation" again and again. Is there a term for that? Some clarification: I mean that you can create a class at runtime, i.e., dynamically. For example, .NET supports this with the System.Reflection n...

What frameworks/languages support run-time class creation?

Hi. I'm trying to put together a list of frameworks/languages support run-time class creation. For example in .NET you can use the System.Reflection.Emit library to emit new classes at run time. If you could mention other frameworks/languages that support this (or some variation of it), that'd be really helpful. Thanks :) ...

Best way to dynamically create classes instead of using a switch block

Currently I have my VaryByCustom functionality implemented in classes that implement an interface IOutputCacheVaryByCustom public interface IOutputCacheVaryByCustom { string CacheKey { get; } HttpContext Context { get; } } A class implementing this interface has a few conventions the name of the class will be "OutputCacheVaryB...