
Intermediate linkthrough pages, good or bad?

For a pretty complex website we are looking on how we can best create internal links between pages without creating complex logic to calculate the url for the target pages when rendering the page. For example if we wanted to link to www.domain.com/nl/holiday/hotels/holiday-inn/ we are thinking to put an intermediate linkthrough page bet...

Inter-module exception name resolution through boost python does not work?

Here is my problem: I have two C++ modules, A and B, which are built as dynamically-linked libraries. A offers basic math functions, and custom exception types. B is a higher level module that uses A. B::someFunction() calls a function from A, and tries to catch custom exception A:MyExceptionFromA in order to convert it into a custom t...

Linking is jacked up.. wtf is -rpath? MacOS X

So, I'm building a project, and it uses functions from a compiled library (.dylib or .so). I have the headers and the library files (this is all part of QtRoot, btw) in appropriate locations, but when I try to build my project in Xcode, I get a debugger error: dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libRIO.so Referenced from: /Users/paultho...

Upgrade of BOOST 1.36 to 1.43 causes linker error

At work we have an MFC Extension DLL that built fine with 1.36 but when built with 1.43 causes the following error: error LNK2005: __pRawDllMain already defined in ApObs.obj If I activate BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC the old build lists: linking to lib file: libboost_thread-vc71-mt-gd-1_35.lib and linking to lib file: libboost_thread-vc7...

Python ctypes not loading dynamic library on Mac OS X

I have a C++ library repeater.so that I can load from Python in Linux the following way: import numpy as np repeater = np.ctypeslib.load_library('librepeater.so', '.') However, when I compile the same library on Mac OS X (Snow Leopard, 32 bit) and get repeater.dylib, and then run the following in Py...

C++ -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden

I have a question about the C++ visibility attribute. I have read http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility and yet I dont quite understand how it works. I want use the visibility to be hidden on some of my shared libraries I have. I believe this means that the symbols are hidden ? How are you meant to link the shared library then ? Is there ...

problem linking .so files in Ubuntu (how to unlink and link from different location) - apr_os_uuid_get

New to Ubuntu / Unix I have a binary that links with libaprutil-1.so Now this inturn links with libapr1.so i guess. Basically when i do ldd myapp, i get both of these listed. Now, I have a folder where both of these are present. And i added a .conf file to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/my.conf and have a path to this folder in that file. THen i r...

Mixing Static and dynamic libraries

I am working with three different libraries, a Core (can be compiled as static or DLL), Graphics (can be compiled as static or DLL - Dealing with Ogre), Physics (can be compiled as static only due to licensing - Havok). A project then uses a combination of the libraries depending on the needs. The Physics portion is dependent on some fun...

Is it safe to pass "too many" arguments to a external function?

This situation can only occur without name mangling (I believe), so the below code is C. Say there is a function A defined in A.c as void A(int x, int y){ //Do stuff } Now there is also a separate file B.c: extern "C"{ void A(int x, int y, int z); } void B(){ A(1, 2, 3); } A is initially declared to have only 2 argumen...

How do I track which libraries are being dynamically loaded by an application?

I have an application (for which I do not have the source code). I know that it is designed to dynamically load a shared library, depending on the command line parameters. I know which library it should be loading and I've set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the appropriate directory. The application works on one server without any problems, bu...

FileNotFoundException trying to load a DLL from managed code

Hello guys, To start off, I'd like to say I'm rather unfamiliar with the Windows linking system. (Most of my programming experience was acquired on Mac OS, on which linking libraries and framework is radically different. I'm also not much of a Windows user.) This is my setup: I've got two projects in the same solution. The first is a C...

Dynamic Linking in C (lib*.so) library

I have written a code where in it would take in a executable file and the [lib*.so] library as my arguments and link @ Run-time. I want to also take in the function in the (*.o) file @ run-time and link it. But I don't know how to go about it. EDIT 1: The function I'm trying to link is a part of the .o file in the lib*.so library. So I...

What should we consider to use either static linking and dynamic linking?

Possible Duplicates: Static linking vs dynamic linking C++ application - should I use static or dynamic linking for the libraries? What point we should take care before selecting static and dynamic linking? ...

Why does gcc not implicitly supply the -fPIC flag when compiling static libraries on x86_64.

I've had numerous problems compiling shared objects that link statically against static libraries. This problem only shows up on x84_64 platforms. When doing the same compilation work on x86_32 I do not have any problems. Perhaps this is a OS specific GCC configuration thing, but my research indicates that its how GCC works on x86_64 p...

How should I load assemblies across the application domain boundary to load and unload modules?

I'm aware of the limitations of loading an assembly dynamically during run-time that prevents it from being unloaded. Instead it's been suggested that, if this is a requirement, that I should instead load modules in other application domains and then execute code across the domain boundries. How can I ease this development process and ...

Patching code/symbols into a dynamic-linked ELF binary

Suppose I have an ELF binary that's dynamic linked, and I want to override/redirect certain library calls. I know I can do this with LD_PRELOAD, but I want a solution that's permanent in the binary, independent of the environment, and that works for setuid/setgid binaries, none of which LD_PRELOAD can achieve. What I'd like to do is add...