
Dynamic Table Data disappearing upon ImageButton Click

I have a form that searches all rows in a single table (TServices) that occurred between the date range and then populates a dynamic table below the form. Now I'm adding a delete ImageButton next to each listing in the table. Here's my C# code-behind for adding the ImageButtons to the table cell: ImageButton btnRemoveService =...

Dynamic tables from UDF in SQL Server

how can i decide this problem? SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetDataById] () RETURNS INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @query NVARCHAR(500) DECLARE @j INT SET @query=N'select * from catalog' EXEC sp_executesql @query RETURN @j END When I try to exec this one: select dbo.GetDataById() I get an ...

Debugging dynamic sql + dynamic tables in MS SQL Server 2008.

Hi, I have a messy stored procedure which uses dynamic sql. I can debug it in runtime by adding print @sql; where @sql; is the string containing the dynamic SQL, right before I call execute (@sql);. Now, the multi-page stored procedure also creates dynamic tables and uses them in a query. I want to print those tables to the console ri...

vb.net designing questions

i have created a dynamic table through vb.net, so htmltable, htmltablerow, htmltablecell. I have added all style and properties in there. so eg. dim td as htmltablecell td.style.add("width","100px") td.style.add("color","blue") now what i want to do is add the tag to each row. this is because the first td of every row is a checkbox. ...

How to create a very dynamic LinqToEntity query?

I need to build a very dynamic Linq query over a varying number of tables. For example, I have the related tables: Table_A - ID - Name - Desc Table_B - ID - Table_A_ID - Name - Desc Table_C - ID - Table_B_ID - Name - Desc I have a dictionary with information about the table dependencies containing:   tableName, parentTable...

How do I retrieve the control contents in a dynamic table?

I have a page where I would like to collect information about x number of users. I have a control where you enter in the number of users and based off of that number, I create a dynamic table with a row for each user. Each table row has textbox controls that I would like to retrieve the value from on postback. How can this be accomplish...