
CRM Plugin for Export to Excel

I wish to write a plugin which intercepts export to excel function in dynamics CRM 4.0. I want to limit the data (based on a security logic) when user exports to excel contact data. I can not find a message related to export, it is just execute message. Is there any property in Exceutioncontext which could be used to identify export? ...

CRM 4.0 workflow activity error message feedback to user

Is it possible to override the default error message in CRM 4.0 that occurs if a workflow fails? Is it recommended against doing so? This seems like the best spot for a remote, non-technical user to read a simple error message that any custom workflow activity has thrown. I would imagine the code extension point for this is overriding th...

CRM Plug in is not firing from SSIS

We are trying to migrate data to CRM 4.0 using SSIS. CRM contains a plug in that works perfectly from the UI, however, SSIS is not firing the plug-in when records are created. The plug-in is registered for Update and Create and both are pre-stage. Both are synchronous. Both are for server and not offline. Pipeline is parent. Anyone have...

SQL UNION query not working

here is my current queries: 1 SELECT FilteredInvoice.accountidname, FilteredInvoice.createdon, FilteredInvoice.createdon AS sort_date, FilteredInvoice.duedate, FilteredInvoice.invoicenumber, FilteredInvoice.statecodename, FilteredInvoice.totalamount_base, CONVERT(datetime, NULL) A...

How to set different decimal precision on pricelist vs. order/quote in Dynamics CRM 4.0

We have product prices that per unit cost 0.0135. These are usually sold in large quantities so the resulting prices are in the area 135,000.00. It is important to us that Dynamics CRM shows the amounts using maximum 2 decimals in all forms and views on at least quote and order. To do this we have set Pricing Decimal Precision = 2 in Sy...

Error in srsdataconnector installation in CRM2011 beta

Hello, While i was trying to import organization from crm 4.0 to CRM2011 beta i got an error telling that i have to install Microsoft dynamics crm report server extensions. After a little search i found someone telling that i have to install the ssrs data connector found in CRMServer\server\amd64\srsdataconnector. I tried to install it ...

Compiling single C# project to multiple DLLs

Background: Custom workflow activities for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Currently we have one project per custom activity, with a single class file in each project. We would like to have a single project, with multiple class files, each compiling to a separate DLL to allow us to update them individually. Is this possible? ...

Windows security popup

Hello, I am facing a problem with CRM2011 beta, The popup of windows security almost appears every mint, Even if I entered the correct username and the password it appears again. If I pressed cancel everything goes fine till it appears again after one or two minutes! Did anyone face this problem before ? Thanks. ...

Dynamics crm onchange event Validating if a specified date falls within a date range

Hi I am trying to set up an onchange event within MS Dynamics CRM that brings up an alert if a date entered in a field falls outside of a specified range. { if (crmForm.all.fielddate.DataValue < 01/01/2010 || crmForm.all.fielddate.DataValue >= 01/01/2011) { alert("Specified date falls outside of the date range") ; } } This doesnt see...

Import report to CRM2011 beta

Hello, I used Sql Server report builder to build a report, then i exported this report as rdl file. The question is how to import it to the reports in CRM2011 ? Thank you ...

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4 - Custom Views for entities (Advance Find - saved views) - where are their queries in database?

So each CRM user has their own saved views for each entity such as Account, Manager, Fund etc. But here's the issue: I need to delete a tab which has some form data. But if I delete the tab the views that use the information on this tab will break. For example, if I deleted a tab called "FUNDS" then a view that I had saved as "Fund In...

MS CRM - Import Organization faild

I am using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, and Importing Organization through wizard in CRM Development Manager. When i click on Import button(during wizard) it's show exception like below, Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Import Organization (Name=xxxxx), Id=xxxxx00000) faild with Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot find the ...

Display areas of unmanaged entities

Hello, I have a custom entity in CRM 4.0 called Mark. Areas that display this entity is none. After importing this organization to CRM2011 beta, i tried to make this entity appear in Workplace area, so i navigated to the settings >>Solutions>>Entities then i checked Workplace in areas that display this entity, Then saved and published t...

Dynamics CRM 4.0 - Number of days in month?

I was just wondering if anyone knew the number of days that Dynamics CRM defines as 1 month when it comes to work flows. I am currently developing a workflow that requires some date checking and need to verify something at the 150 day mark. Thanks in advance! ...

Problem with TemporaryKey.pfx I don't have the password

Hi, A client of mine has a problem. He had a Microsoft CRM developper and he left. Now the project remains uncomplete. I've downloaded the source code of the custom applications and I'm not trying to continue the development. I've tried the ClickOne deployment and it pops me with a password input box related to the myapp_TemporaryKey.p...

MS Dynamic CRM 2011 beta: OrganizationServiceProxy throws XmlException in asp.net

The following code runs fine executed in a .net 4.0 windows console application but will fail with an XmlException executed in an asp.net web application. The message states that System.Xml.XmlException "The '{' character, hexadecimal value 0x7B, cannot be included in a name."} Any hints what went wrong, I impersonate the user call...

CRM 4.0 - programatically re-opening a closed Incident/Case.

Hi All, I need to programatically re-open an Incident/Case that has been closed. I have tried to do this by simply setting statecode & statuscode back to their starting values link text, but I still get a 'cannot perform this as entity is readonly' error. ...

Booking an 'invalid' appointment in CRM

I need to add some appointments from a legacy system into Dynamics. During the transition, the team involved has changed some details of their available working hours to take advantage of CRM's more flexible scheduling system. Of course, they don't want to amend the time of existing appointments with customers just because the internal ...

CRM quote/quotedetail delete problem (plugin)

I've got a bit of a weird situation in MS CRM 4.0. The quote form contains extra, custom elements which contain the calculated value with taxes already added; these are not handled by the CRM automatically, and since the laws over here can be tricky, it's best to leave this up to the user to pick the tax rate on various items. Needless...

Creating Filter for my Associated View

Senario: Open an account in CRM 2011 beta and click on activities on the left navigation pane, you will now see activities of the selected account and now have two filter drop down lists on the top which allow you to view activities of the account or sub accounts of this account. Is this filter drop downs something customizable or is i...