



I was just wondering if anyone knew the number of days that Dynamics CRM defines as 1 month when it comes to work flows.

I am currently developing a workflow that requires some date checking and need to verify something at the 150 day mark.

Thanks in advance!


Behind the scenes, the Dynamic Values picker in the Workflow builder saves to a CrmTimeSpan type. When a CrmTimeSpan/TimeSpan is used, months are stored as months, not a sum of days. For example:

DateTime firstOfTheYear = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1);

CrmTimeSpan timespan = CrmTimeSpan.CreateCrmTimeSpan(0,1,0,0,0);

DateTime firstDayOfFebruary = timespan.Add(firstOfTheYear);

DateTime firstDayOfMarch = timespan.Add(firstDayOfFebruary);

Because you need to check against a date range that isn't supported by the picker, here is a custom workflow activity that should get you on the right track.

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