
What Is The Best Database For Delphi Desktop Applications That Supports Stored Procedures?

I started with Turbo Pascal 3, went to TP5, Bought TP6 called Borland the next day and downgraded to TP5.5. Bought Delphi 3, and now have Delphi 5 Enterprise. I sort of lost interest in writing code about 4-5 years ago for two reasons; Spent all day writing ASP & SQL for someone else. PC Techniques magazine went away. I've got a few ...

Installing TurboGears on windows 7

Hi, I tried installing TurboGears 1.0 on Windows 7 using tgsetup.py. and got following error error: Couldn't find a setup script in c:\users\sandre~1\appdata\local\temp\ easy_install-jimbkt\Cheetah-2.4.0.linux-i686.tar.gz When looking into this folder I see easy_install-jimbkt folder appearing and disappearing right away. Is this some...

Basic easy_install question on python 2.6

I'm trying to install a python api for controlling imagemagick (this) and followed the instructions. I imported easy_install: import easy_install and then input the line: easy_install http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/pythonmagickwand/trunk However I got the error SyntaxError: invalid syntax and 'http' was highlighted. I'm wondering...

Use Python's easy_install in intranet

Increasingly I found myself using tools based upon python, particularly that use installation processes involving easy_install. The trouble for me is that I am On an intranet with no internet access On windows (which always complicates things a little!) Any advice on how to setup easy_install on my intranet to make using python bas...

What is the standard sort order for Python release/version numbers?

Python's pip and easy_install follow some rules to sort packages by their release numbers. What are the rules for numbering beta/release/bugfix releases so these tools will know which is the newest? ...

How can I deal with python eggs for multiple platforms in one location?

We have a common python installation for all of our systems in order to ensure every system has the same python installation and to ease configuration issues. This installation is located on a shared drive. We also have multiple platforms that share this installation. We get around conflicting platform-specific files by setting the --...

Determining version of easy_install/setuptools

I'm trying to install couchapp, which uses easy_install - and is quite explicit in stating a particular version of easy_install/setuptools is needed: 0.6c6. I seem to have easy_install already on my Mac, but there's no command-line arguments to check the version. Instead of just installing a new version over the top, I'd like to see whet...

Self-contained egg installs: turbogears and pythonpath

Hi there! I have a TG 1.0 application (not 1.1 -- I'm not sure I can convince the admin to upgrade) running. I have my own checkout of the project from cvs that I'm developing with, and it's come time to integrate xlwt (http://www.python-excel.org/) into the web app. However, I don't have administrator access and it's not easy to get ...

State of Python Packaging: Buildout, Distribute, Distutils, EasyInstall, etc...

The last time I had to worry about installing Python packages was two years ago working with Enthought, NumPy and MayaVi2. That experience gave me lingering nightmares related to quirky behavior installing & updating Python packages in non-standard locations (in $HOME/usr/local2.6/, for example). Anyway, my work is taking me back to in...

How to unzip python eggs?

Hi, I'm trying to bundle some egg dependencies when using py2exe and as stated on the py2exe site, it doesn't work with those and I need to unzip them first. I've tried to first run easy_install -m lxml and then easy_install --always-unzip lxml==2.2.2, but it didn't work. Then I tried to set the unzipping behaviour to default by putting ...

C64 - Commodore 64 programming simplicity

Sometimes I think we have taken a step backwards in programming. In the old days we would just turn on our C64 or spectrum, and immediately we would have a programming environment, and not too many different ways to get a task done (Basic/assembler). Nowadays it is much harder for someone who has purchased a computer (PC or Mac) to progr...

Installing SUDS in python 2.6.4

Hello, I am having real trouble installing SUDS in python 2.6.4. I have tried to install the setup file but it says the location of python cannot be found. This is because I have changed the location of python. I have tried to use easy_install but am having no luck. Does anyone know a simple way to do this or have a link to clear instal...

Can I use `pip` instead of `easy_install` for `python setup.py install` dependency resolution?

python setup.py install will automatically install packages listed in requires=[] using easy_install. How do I get it to use pip instead? ...

Can a Python package depend on a specific version control revision of another Python package?

Some useful Python packages are broken on pypi, and the only acceptable version is a particular revision in a revision control system. Can that be expressed in setup.py e.g requires = 'svn://example.org/useful.package/trunk@1234' ? ...

How can I install Easy_Install for Python 2.6.4 in Mac OSX 10.4.11

I get the following errors, I've placed [my name] for anonymity: >>> python /Users/[myname]/Desktop/setuptools-0.6c11/ez_setup.py File "<stdin>", line 1 python /Users/[myname]/Desktop/setuptools-0.6c11/ez_setup.py ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax If you can't see the ^ is under t...

installing mechanize with easy_install

I just got easy_install downloaded but i'm having problems installing mechanize, should I be addressing site-packages at any point. In the first try below, i got an error. in the second try below, i got command not found which is wierd since I know for sure that it downloaded. names-computer:~ names$ cd /Users/names/Desktop/ names-compu...

PIP install a Python Package without a setup.py file?

I'm trying to figure out how I can install a python package that doesn't have a setup.py file with pip. (package in question is http://code.google.com/p/django-google-analytics/) Normally I would just checkout the code from the repo and symlink into my site-packages, but I'm trying to get my whole environment frozen into a pip requireme...

Permission problem of .egg of easy_install under windows7/vista

I use the easy_install to install python packages in a virtuaenv under windows7. Due to the UAV, I have to run the CMD as administrator for installing packages. Here comes the problem, I notice that I can't import the package from a normal user account. >>> import tempita Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, i...

warnings emitted during 'easy_install'

When I easy_install some python modules, warnings such as: <some module>: module references __file__ <some module>: module references __path__ <some module>: module MAY be using inspect.trace <some module>: module MAY be using inspect.getsourcefile sometimes get emitted. Where (what package / source file) do these messages come from...

Problem using easy_install on Windows 7, 64 bit. (cannot find python.exe)

Hi, I have just now installed Python 2.6 on my Windows 7 (64 bit) Lenovo t61p laptop. I have downloaded Sphinx and nose and apparently installed them correctly using python setup.py install (at least no errors were reported during the installation). Now I am trying to install pymongo using easy_install but I am not having much su...