
Eclipse CDT Custom Compiler Error Parsing Plugin

I'm using an uncommon C compiler with Eclipse CDT. I have a make file setup which is nice, but I'd like IDE integration with the error / warning output of my compiler. Does anybody know what steps I can take to write a plugin for parsing / supporting my compilers output? I think it should be easy but there is a barrier of entry of fig...

How should I connect to a MySQL data source from Eclipse?

I have an external MySQL server that's set up and working fine. I created a database connection in Eclipse and can view the database in the Data Source Explorer tab. Now, I have a servlet that needs to access that database. How do I do it? Is there a way to reference that database connection created in the data source explorer, or do...

Adding a separator to the Eclipse outline view (like #pragma mark)

I know Xcode has a #pragma mark feature where it allows you to insert arbitrary labels in outline views / method lists to document how code is segmented. I haven't been able to find a similar feature for Eclipse. I can't help but feel that it's right under my nose, but searches on both SO and Google haven't been enlightening... an...

How to change orientation of xml "layout" area in Eclipse

The xml files that contains the Activity layouts can be rendered by Eclipse. How do I get that Eclipse screen area to have vertical orientation, not horizontal (inside Eclipse - it correctly shows as vertical in the emulator)? Peter ...

web app debugging in Eclipse

I have a Java Struts app in Eclipse and I'm looking for a way to see the values of request and session's variables (as the NetBeans display them), when running the app on Tomcat. For some reason, the "Variable View" in debuggin mode is always empty, no way to fill it with variables I need to follow. Internal or external browser, no diff...

Profiling C code on Windows when using Eclipse

I know I can profile my code with gprof and kprof on Linux. Is there a comparable alternative to these applications on Windows? ...

Collaborative editing for .NET development - what are the possibilities

What are the best options for real-time collaborative editing for .NET development? (C#,VB.NET, ASP.NET - not Mono unless it is the best way to get collaboration) 1) Anything possible with visual studio? 2) Collaborative editors? I know Eclipse has real-time collaboration, but I don't know how far you can combine it with .NET support....

Eclipse Basic Web Development?

I want to start doing web development with Eclipse. Not Java, tomcat, axis2, or anything else anymore complicated than basic XHTML / JS / CSS development, at this time. Problem 1: I realize that it can edit those files, but its trying to manage my HTML docs as part of "my workspace", and all I want it to do is manage the files as part...

JSP Page Import problem. Class file placed in a package inside WEB-INF/classes

I have a Web application crawler_GUI running which has another java project jspider in its buildpath. (I use eclipse galileo) The GUI uses the jspider project as its backend. Visit for the structure The JSP creates an instance of the jspider object. First of all I didn't have the classes in the WEB-I...

Eclipse doesn't put XML files in project's own buildpath

I had a little quicky project in mind, I created a normal Java Project in Eclipse, placed a XML file quick'n'dirty in the src folder and I was baffled when Eclipse can't seem to locate the XML file in the classpath. After a little test it turns out that files with other extensions are perfectly located. Here's a screen which says it al...

How to create Struts 2 project in Eclipse Galileo ?

I want to create a struts 2 project in eclipse. I have downloaded the latest struts distribution. But things always become confusing when i try to create a struts project in ECLIPSE. Whenever I create a dynamic web project and add struts libraries to that project, some error or the other pops up. How do I properly setup an eclipse Stru...

How to use PHPdoc in Eclipse

We are currently in the beginning of a new project, and would like to (for once) comment as much as possible from the start to help future development. I have tried to find out what best practices are of using phpDoc in Eclipse, but with pretty slim results. Can you share your best practices and tricks of using phpDoc to comment stuff ...

Getting class not found Exception when running in eclipse

Hello friends, I am running the following code in eclipse but getting a class not found exception: import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; public class DialogClass { /** * @param args...

Custom project in Adobe Flex Builder 3?

Is it possible to create a custom project type using Adobe Flex Builder 3? I'd like to create my own custom project template that creates certain directories, sets Source Path and Library Path values, etc. so that I don't have to do it manually. I'm using the standalone version of Flex Builder, which is running on Eclipse 3.3. Thanks!...

Eclipse + Xdebug + WAMP - Need help

I'm trying to debug Drupal on a windows machine using Eclipse (PDT), WAMP, and XDEBUG. Everything seems to be running fine, Eclipse recongnizes when I move between pages (it's shows in the "Remote Launch" section "stepping") but nothing happens, and my breakpoints are ignored. I'm ready to start pulling my last few hairs out, any help ...

How can I install eclipse on Windows 7 64-bit?

Anybody can help me to install eclipse for windows 7 64 bit? I have eclipse 64 bit and jdk 64 bit but it doesn't work? Can u help me? I've a project :( ...

eclipse editor, ex: xml editor, code assistance. how it works?

Hello, I wonder how eclipse editor works to enable code assistance? For example: XML editor for hibernate property file. Within the editor, if I ctrl-space within a tag, a list of possible value relevant to hibernate will show up. I understand that the xml editor is pre-configured to understand xml tag, but how about tag specific t...

C/C++ in Eclipse, can I use a #define to set a breakpoint, but only when steping through code?

Years ago I had a little #define which I used in Borland C++ Builder. From memory, it was something approximately like #define BREAK_IF_DEBUGGING asm(0xA3); or something like that. It relied on 0XA3 (or whatever it was) being the op code for the interrupt which Borland were using to trigger a breakpoint. Can I do the same thing in...

Google Web Toolkit in eclipse randomly requires me to reset GWT SDK

I downloaded and install the latest version of Google App Engine Plugin into my Eclipse and created a project with it using both GAE SDK and GWT SDK. The funny thing is, randomly, my project become subjective to error, like the class RemoteServiceServlet cannot be resolved. The errors will be removed if I go to the configure tab of the p...

Maven dependency log4j error

Hello everyone I have error which breaks up my build for no reason, here is the error message : error: error reading /.m2/repository/com/sun/jdmk/jmxtools/1.2.1/jmxtools-1.2.1.jar; error in opening zip file error: error reading /.m2/repository/com/sun/jmx/jmxri/1.2.1/jmxri-1.2.1.jar; error in opening zip file I'm using this dependency...