
Entity Framework with MySQL - Timeout Expired while Generating Model

I've constructed a database in MySQL and I am attempting to map it out with Entity Framework, but I start running into "GenerateSSDLException"s whenever I try to add more than about 20 tables to the EF context. An exception of type 'Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.VisualStudio.ModelWizard.Engine.ModelBuilderEngine+GenerateSSDLExceptio...

.NET EntityStoreSchemaFilterEntry filter patterns

First question to SO, I hope I'm doing this right. ;) Regarding System.Data.Entity.Design.EntityStoreSchemaFilterEntry : I'm looking for some detailed documentation on this class. The MSDN docs have nothing but an indication of what properties exist and their data types. I want to create a well-defined list of filters for EntityStoreS...

generate EF model by System.Diagnostics.Process

Hello, after read this article i tried generate EF model by System.Diagnostics.Process: Process myProcess = new Process(); var cs = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=uqs; Integrated Security=SSPI"; myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\EdmGen.exe"; myProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = ...

generate only objectLayer of Entity Framework Model by edmgen tool

How to generate only objectLayer by edmgen tool, without generating csdl, ssdl and views ? "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\edmgen.exe" /mode:fullgeneration /c:"Data Source=.\sqlexpress; Initial Catalog=uqs; Integrated Security=SSPI" /project:generateEntityModel /entitycontainer:uqsEntities /namespace:uqsModel...

Process.Start() edmgen

after clicking on button in asp.net application process.start() runs edmgen tool with arguments. And I catch error : var cs =ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ApplicationServices"].ConnectionString; string myArgs="/mode:fullgeneration /c:\""+cs+"\" /project:nwd /entitycontainer:SchoolEntities /namespace:SchoolModel /langua...

Cannot display edmx generated in EdmGen2 in VS10 using .NET 4.0

I'm trying to generate entity model from my Postgresql database. Under .net 3.5 and vs2008 it worked fine. Unfortunately under vs10 it doesn't. I get an error: "The file references an XML namespace that is inconsistend with the target framework of the project." I assume it's because EF4 is using EDMX v2 not v1, but I cannot cha...

Error reached after genereated entity framework classes by edmgen tool

Hello, First I read this question, but this knowledge did not help to solve my problems. In initial I've created edmx file by Visual Studio. Generated files with names: uqsModel.Designer.cs uqsModel.edmx This files are located on App_Code folder. And my web app work normally. In Web Config generated connectionstring automatically...

Can I include stored procs when using edmgen.exe?

I have a couple of scripts I use to generate my edmx files (using edmgen and edmgen2). Is there a way to include stored procs? Or do I have to use the GUI designer for this? ...

Use EdmGen to generate ssdl, and csdl but NOT generate code?

I am working with a large Entity Framework 4.0 edmx, and need to automate the construction of the edmx. However, I needto maintain the ability to use customized T4 templates. In our edmx, we have code generation set to None, so we can use multiple T4 templates against the edmx. When I build using EdmGen, the code is generated using th...