
Most common values in an array

How would I go about finding the three most common elements in an array? I am working with an array of length 10,000 with elements = random integer from 0-100. I was thinking of using two arrays, one of length 100 and just incrementing by using an if statement. However, I was wondering if there is a way that only one for/if loop(stateme...

unable to get form elements by using form name in javascript

I am having an issue with accessing my form by it's name. When I use document.form[0].mylink.value it recognizes the value and outputs to the innerHTML that I specify. However, when I use document.myform.mylink.value it doesn't seem to recognize the form. I have tried this in chrome 6.0 and also firefox 3.6.3 and get the same result i...

Adding and manipulating multiple child nodes using XPathNavigator in C#

Hello, I'm writing classes which (de)serialize to/from XML. When serializing and deserializing, the class gets a XPathNavigator to get data from/add data to. Because the class may contain objects which are need to be serialized too (using the same mechanism), I do the following to add a child element for each object: public void Seria...

::moz-selection does not apply to input elements

Is there anyway I can get ::moz-selection applied to input elements, even if I have to edit some file in userChrome.css, userContent.css or some similar file? thanks ...

I can't add html elements dynamically in IE

I have this javascript code to add html elements dynamically. It works perfectly in chrome but it doesn´t work in IE, nothing happens, just seems to add spaces that are maybe divs. Please Help Me!! <script type="text/javascript"> var numero = 0; evento = function (evt) { return (!evt) ? event : evt; } addCampo = function () { ...

Zend Framework - Dojo form support

Hello i am new in Zend Framework i have found that zend have support for dojo forms - Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_* works pretty well. But there are mising some elemnt like (BusyButton, RangeSlider or PasswordValidation) Is zend support them?? I have found that Zend supports BusyButton (http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-9641) But i...

problem with extended_valid_elements and custom elements in tinymce

I have used extended_valid_elements : "info,second,tittle,defalut", custom_elements: "info,second,tittle,defalut", for adding new tags to tinymce editor.The contents in tinymce editor is something like <tittle>contents here </tittle>.i can save the content as it is in both browser.when i am adding external css for editor due to custo...

Reordering XML Elements with jquery, then save XML file with php

How can I use something like jQuery & PHP to reorder elements within an xml file? The jQuery plugins below allow html table rows or list items to be swapped about, but I have no idea of how to save those changes back to an XML file with the click of a button. www.isocra.com/2008/02/table-drag-and-drop-jquery-plugin/ www.jqueryui.com/d...