
Cutting down a length of a PHP string and inserting an ellipses

I want to turn a long string like reallyreallyreallyreallyreallylongfilename into something like reallyreallyre...yreallyreally. Basically, find the middle of the string and replace everything there until the length of the string is < 30 characters including an ellipses to signify there has been parts of the string replaced. This is my...

Ellipsizing an NSMenuItem's title to the width of the menu

I want to programatically change an NSMenuItem's title, but ellipsize it so that this modification never causes the menu to increase in width. how can i do this? ...

R: using a list for ellipsis arguments

I have run into a situation where I need to take all the extra arguments passed to an R function and roll them into an object for later use. I thought the previous question about ellipses in functions would help me, but I still can't quite grasp how to do this. Here is a very simple example of what I would like to do: newmean <- functio...

Unpacking argument lists for ellipsis in R

I am confused by the use of the ellipsis (...) in some functions, i.e. how to pass an object containing the arguments as a single argument. In Python it is called "unpacking argument lists", e.g. >>> range(3, 6) # normal call with separate arguments [3, 4, 5] >>> args = [3, 6] >>> range(*args) # call with argumen...

jqgrid - change column header name automatically according to the width

in my site , i have a jqgrid table. by default, the names of the columns (header) is longer than the width for column, because that i set the name with an ellipsis. however, when resizing the column, the short name with ellipsis stays. how can i get it work automatic , like the ellipsis should disappear and change to the full name wh...

WPF Data grid Text Ellipsis Not working...

Hello, I have a column with long user comments. I load it using following code... <my:DataGridTextColumn Header="Message" Binding="{Binding UserMessage, Mode=OneWay}" CanUserSort="True"> <my:DataGridTextColumn.ElementStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}" ...

Ideal method to truncate a string with ellipsis

I'm sure all of us have seen ellipsis' on Facebook statuses (or elsewhere), and clicked "Show more" and there are only another 2 characters or so. I'd guess this is because of lazy programming, because surely there is an ideal method. Mine counts slim characters [iIl1] as "half characters", but this doesn't get around ellipsis' looking...

What is ellipsis operator in c

Possible Duplicate: What's does mean in an argument list in C ? function fun1(...) { } Please tell me about what is the use and how to use ellipsis operator in c. Thanks, ...

Ellipsis with C# (ending on a full word)

Hi all, I'm trying to implement ellipsis in Umbraco, the requirement being 15 characters of intro text but always ending on a full word. I thought of using XSLT, but then realised that I can use a simple extension method written in C# instead. I can easily substring the text and append "..." but am stuck with the issue of having to en...

Limit text length to n lines using CSS

Is it possible to limit a text length to "n" lines using CSS (or cut it when overflows vertically). text-overflow: ellipsis; only works for 1 line text. original text: Ultrices natoque mus mattis, aliquam, cras in pellentesque tincidunt elit purus lectus, vel ut aliquet, elementum nunc nunc rhoncus placerat urna! Sit est sed!...

How do I tell if my textview has been ellipsized?

I have a multi-line TextView that has android:ellipsize="end" set. I would like to know, however, if the string I place in there is actually too long (so that I may make sure the full string is shown elsewhere on the page). I could use TextView.length() and find about what the approximate length of string will fit, but since it's multip...

What is better for the parameters of a C callback function: va_list, or ellipsis?

My library offers a callback point where my library users can register to get information. The general form of the callback is an int followed by various parameters whose type depend on the int value. Therefore, I defined the callback type and the function to set it as follows. typedef void (* callback_func_t)(int type, ...); void set_c...