I have Aquamacs running on my Mac.
I installed the ESK for Aquamacs and it installs ELPA at ~/.emacs.d/elpa. With ELPA, I installed clojure-mode/clojure-est-mode/slime/slime-repl/swank-clojure.
The thing is that when I run 'M-x slime', clojure is run. Why is this? I'm curious as I don't have any setup for slime in my .emacs and even i...
I use Aquamacs, and I use ELPA that installs files in ~/.emacs.d/elpa?
What's the magic behind this ELPA? I mean, without ELPA, I should download and install the packages in a specific directory, and add those two lines in .emacs.
(add-to-list 'load-path "PACKAGE_DIRECTORY")
(require 'PACKAGE)
But, with ELPA, I don't see anythin...
My superficial understanding is that 'swank-clojure' makes 'M-x slime-connect' possible. I mean, it gives a connection to a clojure server something like 'lein swank'. Is my understanding correct? If not, what's the purpose of swank?
Then, is there any 'swank-SOMETHING_ELSE' for other lisp like implementations? For example, swank-clisp?...
Emacs Lisp does not seem to have a PPRINT function. How do you pretty print an S-EXP in elisp the way you can in Common Lisp?
I need to spell check a large document containing many camelcased words. I want ispell or aspell to check if the individual words are spelled correctly.
So, in case of this word:
I would love to have it suggest this instead:
Is there any way to do this? (And I mean, whi...
I can use C-x TAB for indenting 1 column, or C-u N C-x TAB for N columns.
How can I `outdent' a block with emacs?
I have the following code in ~/.emacs for running scheme (gosh and mit-scheme).
;(setq scheme-program-name "gosh -i")
(setq scheme-program-name "mit-scheme")
(autoload 'scheme-mode "cmuscheme" "Major mode for scheme." t)
(autoload 'run-scheme "cmuscheme" "Run an inferior scheme process." t)
(defun scheme-other-window ()
"Run scheme on...
I use Alt-! (Alt-Bang) a lot in Emacs. One of the big things I use it for is
Alt-! cat $logfile | grep 'this' # show me one kind of event
or sometimes
Alt-! cat $logfile | grep 'this' | wc -l # count that one event's occurrences
Two things:
1) No tab-completion from this prompt: why not?
2) What if instead of $logfile, I want to ...
Hello everyone.
I'm having trouble finding a way to (properly) align the following lines in CC Mode using the style "java":
// Correct when this is used: (c-set-offset 'arglist-cont-nonempty '++).
private static synchorized horkingLongMethodName(int anArg,
........Object anotherArg, String yetAnotherArg,
........Object andStillAnother)...
I'm using ssh in Terminal to ssh into a Linux host where I'm running Emacs. I'd like to be able to use meta key commands, but I'm not how to send them from my (local) Mac to the (remote) Linux host. How do I do that?
Sorry if this isn't exactly a programming question.
I'm looking to setup emacs to allow me to use perforce without having to use p4v.
I've had a look at the emacs wiki and a search on the site but there only seems to be two options out there - both of which are pretty old. First option is p4.el which was last updated in 2004. The second option is the integration with emacs VC component,...
I'm a Web developer. I had been using a variety of editors and ide-s for web development(php, javascript,html,css) six months before I decided to learn a true editor and started using emacs. I learned all the basics, used the starter kit, practiced using buffer, windows etc..
I got a grip in 2 months. A month ago I started learning abou...
I have I standard Emacs/nxhtml install. My nxhtml-autoload.el has the following line (I use .djhtml for my django template files)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.djhtml\\'" . django-nxhtml-mumamo-mode))
I also use Emacs Desktop to re-open buffers ("save desktop state") when starting Emacs. When Emacs Desktop opens buffers, it fa...
I know that "C-u 80 C-x f" sets the fill width 80, and M-q adjusts it.
How to make it default? I mean, how to make width 80 deafault for fill width?
Coming from Perl I've been used to hitting C-c t to reformat my code according to pre-defined Perl::Tidy rules. Now, with Python I'm astonished to learn that there is nothing that even remotely resembles the power of Perl::Tidy. PythonTidy 1.20 looks almost appropriate, but barfed at first mis-aligned line ("unexpected indent").
In part...
I find that there are two ways to set key in emacs: golbal-set-key and define-key.
Are they the same? Or is there any pros/cons between the two approaches?
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-f") 'my-find-file)
(define-key global-map
"\C-ck" 'hello)
I have the following code to run python and get the result in scratch buffer.
(defun hello ()
"Test, just prints Hello, world to mini buffer"
(start-process "my-process" "*scratch*" "python" "/Users/smcho/Desktop/temp/hello.py")
(message "Hello, world : I'm glad to see you"))
(define-key global-map "\C-ck" 'hello)...
I have the following code that runs figlet that has input as a range.
How can I modify this code to check if b or e is not specified, make b to the start of the current buffer, and e end of the current buffer?
(defun figlet-region (&optional b e)
(interactive "r")
(shell-command-on-region b e "/opt/local/bin/figlet" (current-buffer...
I want to make TODO list buffer (text mode or whatever other mode) that is open whenever I start the emacs. How can I do that?
To quote emacs help, M-/ is:
(dabbrev-expand ARG)
Expand previous word "dynamically".
Expands to the most recent, preceding
word for which this is a prefix. If no
suitable preceding word is found,
words following point are considered.
If still no suitable word is found,
then look in the buffers accepted by
the ...