
What's a good theoretical MAX_SIZE when managing email attachments?

I'm working on a part of a website where I generate PDFs, attach them to an email and send it off. Right now I am not tracking the current sum of the sizes of all the PDFs to be attached to the email, but I suspect at one point that I should. My question boils down to: What is a good theoretical *MAX_SIZE* that you should go by when ma...

how to attach files that are stored in the database to the action mailer?

Hi, you have mention about how to store files in database. How to attach those files with mail using action mailer? I have search many sites but not able to find the way to attach database files. Everywhere the help of attaching files stored in file system is given. ...

How to set a nice name for an e-mail (System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient) attachment

I'm sending attachments using the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient in C#. The attachment names are the same as the name of the file I pass into the attachment constructor myMail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(attachmentFileName)); How would I go about setting a "nice" name for the attachment? The names I currently have are basically numeri...

Objective C : How to send Email w/ attachment with iPhone OS v2.2.1 ?

Objective C : How to send Email w/ attachment with iPhone OS v2.2.1 ? I don't really want to setup a web server for this purpose as described in Many thanks for reading ...

Base64 encoding on the iPhone, works in simulator, breaks on device

Hi I am using the simple SMTP client code, first posted on google code at: That repo seems to have gone unmaintained, as the project owner is now employed at apple, and maybe has better things to do. There is a fork of the code, that is more recently maintained at github, which you can find at...

ATT00006.dat file autmatically attached in mail attachment

I have a page that have fileupload control, on the submission of the form, when the fileupload control has file, file is sent via attachment in a mail and working absulutly fine, but when the fileupload control does not have file, ATT00006.dat file is automatically sent via email attachment. Reference URL:

php create file and send as attachment without actually creating the file

I know how to read a file on the server and attach it to an email in PHP, but I wanted to know if I could attach a file that is created by my script but not created on the server (kinda like a temp file). So create file in memory and attach it to email. Bonus: might need to create multiple files as well, would this be too much for the...

Blackberry - how to send email with attachment?

In my application, I allow the user to create an image. I then want to give the ability to email that image. The concept is simple, but the execution is a bit more complex. My first thought was to create my own email screen and send the email myself. I understand how to accomplish this, but I don't like re-inventing the wheel and wou...

How Do I Prevent Email Attachments from Rendering Inline using ActionMailer

I am using the following code to send an email with a pdf attachment: class StudyMailer < ActionMailer::Base def notify_office(study, sent_at = subject "Email Subject Goes Here" recipients '[email protected]' from "#{study.sender.full_name} <#{}>" sent_on sent_at body :s...

How to send email with attachment using PHP?

hi all, I am using following code for sending email with attachment but the proper file is not getting attach with mail. $UnidID = $_COOKIE['UniqueID']; $guid = $_COOKIE['guid']; $target_path = "userdata/".$UniqueID."/".$iGuid."/Outputs"; $fname = getpathmail($UnidID,$guid); $target_path = $target_path.$filname; $fileatt_type = "a...

ASP.NET: How to download email attachments with POP3?

Hi, I am building an email receiving website. I can read the email with the help of code used in Code Project, but I can't download email attachments. Can anyone tell me how to download email attachments using POP3? Thank you! ...

Did with GMail attachments break recently?

I could swear this code was working few days ago. I'm using the SSL binaries from POPClient client = new POPClient("", 995, "[email protected]", "qwerty", AuthenticationMethod.USERPASS, true); int unread = client.GetMessageCount(); ...

downloading attached .msg file from the email is not opening

Hello In my program i am retrieving the incoming emails and also downloading the attachments if any which comes along with the email. The problem i am facing is if there is any .msg file (like an outlook email as an attachment) comes than my program is able to download it successfully but the file is not opening. Any inputs on how to ...

What is wrong with this mail header text?

The following $header is being sent via PHP's mail($to,$subject,$content,$header) command. The mail arrives and appears to have an attachment. But the mail text is empty as is the file. I think this has something to do with line spacing but I can't see the problem. I have tried putting the contents (between the boundaries) in $contents ...

android: Email an XML string (in-memory file) as an attachment

How can I email an XML string (or an in-memory file) in android as a file attachment without actually creating a physical File? I want to just build an XML data string (backup data) and have the user email it. ...

Problem with displaying and downloading email attachments using the zend framework

Hi guys I'm trying to display emails in my inbox and their respective attachments. At the same time I also wish to be able to download the attachments however I'm kinda stuck here. Here is the code I use to display the attachments: $one_message = $mail->getMessage($i); $one_message->id = $i; $one_message->UID = $mail->getUniqueId($i); ...

Dynamically generate PDF and email it using django

I have a django app that dynamically generates a PDF (using reportlab + pypdf) from user input on an HTML form, and returns the HTTP response with an application/pdf MIMEType. I want to have the option between doing the above, or emailing the generated pdf, but I cannot figure out how to use the EmailMessage class's attach(filename=None...

Sending mail with a Php with a pdf attachment

Hi, I'm trying to send an email from the php mail command. I've been able to what I've tried so far, but can't seem to get it to work with an attachment. I've looked around the web and the best code I've found led me to this: $fileatt_name = 'JuneFlyer.pdf'; $fileatt_type = 'application/pdf'; $fileatt = 'JuneFlyer.pdf'; $file = fopen...

delete attachment file

hi folks., i am using System.Net.Mail for sending mail in how to delete attachment file after it is send as attachment mail.. i tried to use File.Delete method.. but i am getting this error.. the process cannot access the file path\fun.jpg' because it is being used by another process. thank you ...

Download attachment issue with IE6-8 wih no SSL

I'm facing an issue with file download with IE6-8 in non ssl environment. I've seen a lot of articles about the IE attachment download issue with ssl. As per the articles I tried to set the values of Pragma, Cache-Control headers, but still no luck with it. These are my response headers Cache-Control: private, max-age=5 Date: Tue, 25 ...