
Securing EEPROM data against modification

Generally I would go about this by placing something(s) unique and random in the ROM image and use that as a seed to encrypt the EEPROM content to stop extraction and reprogram after image mod. An obvious flaw seems to be that this doesn't stop tampering in the form of replacing the EEPROM external chip with a blank one... oh look were ...

MSP 430 Code problem

I'm developing pressure measuring device. I've used MSP430F133 chip and using IAR embedded workbench. It shows pressure in 3 diff units. I'm taking 32 samples and averaging it. Unit selection on P5, according to the unit selected output value is calculated and displayed on LCD. now a unit "IN WC" is showing binary averaged vale of inp...

Where can I find a simple graphics C library for writing directly onto a frame?

I need a simple graphics C library to use on a device where I will be writing directly to the frame. The frame is located in regular memory. There is no graphics acceleration hardware. Nothing fancy. I just want to be able to draw lines, circles, OSD stuff like strings as well. It would be nice to have functions that use good, lean a...

Are there MVC embedded system GUI examples?

I'd like to apply the MVC pattern to a GUI we are developing for an embedded system. In this case my understanding is we would need to provide the underlying framework for listener/event actions between the Controller and View. Also, I have seen some examples where the Model send an event to the View, but perhaps that is not correct. Doe...

Embedded platform development in (!C)

I'm curious to see how popular the alternatives to C are in the embedded developer world e.g. Ada... I've only ever used C (with a little bit of assembler), but then my targets have very limited resources. Is there a move else where in this space to something else? What is winning the ware in set top boxes? If !C what was the underlyin...

Getting Epson receipt printer to print from Arduino

This is a bit of an odd/specific question, but I'm having no luck, so maybe someone can help. I'm trying to build a microprinter using an Arduino and an Epson TM-T88II receipt/POS printer. The printer uses the ESC/POS system, but I can't get it to do anything at all from the Arduino. I'm doing things like: #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #...

Produce tones at certain time-interval using C programming

Im using C language for a PIC18F to produce tones such that each of them plays at certain time-interval. I used PWM to produce a tone. But I don't know how to create the intervals. Here is my attempt. #pragma code // void main (void) { int i=0; // set internal oscillator to 1MHz //OSCCON = 0b10110110; ...

USB Virtual COM

Looking for skeleton/source for embedded (non PC) USB Virtual COM implementation? ...

Can I reset Microchip's TCP/IP stack without reseting the board?

I'm working with Microchip's free TCP/IP (version 4.55) stack on an 8-bit micro-controller. I'm trying to reset the stack without doing a full board reset with asm("RESET"). Any ideas on how to restart this Stack. UPDATE I reset the stack with the following steps Toggle the reset pin to on the Microchip Ethernet chip Call StackInit...

BOOL definition

Whenever BOOL datatype is not readily predefined, I used to boolean with the following definition, typedef unsigned char BOOL; (Owing to memory usage). I realized it may be better to use native bus width for performance reasons. For example, for a 32 bit processor it can be typedef unsigned int BOOL; Now, what will happen for the 64...

Why is memory area $1020 unwriteable on M68HC12 with staa?

I have the following asm code: org $1000 ;Table Origin is at $1000 fcb $02,$04,$06,$08 ; values of table from $1001 - $1004 fcb $0a,$0c,$0e,$10 ; values of table from $1005 - $1009 org $400 ; Program Start lds #$4000 ; Set Stack Pointer at value (#) $4000 ldy #$1000 ; ...

Programming for the SAE J1939 standard

I'm trying to find information on how to program an embedded mobile controller such as the ifm R 360. Where could I find specific information on the programming language used, the required development environment and any other useful information? From what I understand, the programming language is based on IEC 61131-3. What books or tut...

Using Lex tokenizers in an embedded system

I'm trying to write a config-file parser for use in a non-standard C environment. Specifically, I can't rely on the utilities provided by <stdio.h>. I'm looking to use Flex, but I need to use my own input structures rather than <stdio.h>'s FILE pointers. ...

How can I make my own microcontroller?

How can I make my own microcontroller? I've done some work using GAL chips and programmed a chip to do simple commands such as add, load, move, xor, and output, but I'd like to do something more like a real microcontroller. How can I go about doing this? I've read a little bit about FPGA and CPLD, but not very much, and so was looking f...

pthread_cancel behaves differently on arm and ppc?

I'm currently working on a multi-threaded application that would be deployed on arm and ppc architecture. I'm having some problem with pthread_cancel on arm. pthread_cancel on arm doesn't behave the same with ppc. The thread gets cancelled but the destructor for the thread's local variable isn't being called on arm. I also tried explic...

What Java embedded VM do you suggest for ARM development?

There are a lot of Java embedded VMs. What do you suggest for ARM development? http://www.cacaovm.org/ http://www.rtjcom.com/main.php?p=home http://www.k-embedded-java.com/ http://jamvm.sourceforge.net/ I'm currently using the TINI platform from Dallas and works great (512 KB RAM and 1 MB flash), but now I need more power (memory and ...

I2C ISR and Interrupts

Platform - ARM9 I have a third party device connected via I2C to the ARM9. My problem is the I2C read/write is getting in a twist. It appears the IRQ line is asserted but never de-asserted when there is data to read. The read fails as the third-party device NACKs the address packet. So any subsequent write fails. I am wondering if my i...

What is the best Evaluation Kit for Learning Embedded C/C++ Development?

I am trying to improve my embedded C/C++ development on ARM architecture. I have recently moved from 68K development to ARM and wanted to use some of my spare time to dig into the platform and learn the best practices especially on developing for mobile platforms. Preferably 32bit architecture will be helpful with supporting development...

What server-side web technology should I use in an embedded system?

Hey guys and gals, I'm starting a new project and I'm trying to figure out what technologies I should use. Here's the deal, I'm writing some software that will run on a wireless router and I would like to provide a web interface. So most likely I will have to do some server-side web development. The only issue is that the device I will ...

Form layout is not visible in visual C# for Smart Device->Windows CE 5.0->Device Application project

I am developing an application for windows CE 6.0. When i start a windows CE 5.0 device application project, IDE shows me the form in the solution explorer but there is no form layout in the designer. Instead, it appears as a control similar to openFileDialog control. The same problems does not occur if i try it on a windows applicati...