
Serial port access in Adobe-Air

I am looking to use Adobe Air to visualize information coming from the Serial port. Is there a way to do this naively in Air? I'm assuming not. If this is the case, would my best route be to create a native application that makes the serial port available via a TCP/IP connection then connect to it locally? or would a different socket t...

How can I make MPLAB import a HEX file with comments or import a HEX file specified on a commandline?

I'm working with the CCS c compiler which produces its object files in the Intel 32 bit HEX format, aka INHX32. This compiler has a directive which causes it to put comments in these files. The comment lines are at the beginning of the file, and begin with a semicolon, like so: ; This is a comment :020000040000FA :1000000007EF33F0000C...

IDE for embedded development

I do a lot of embedded development work in C. I'm looking for an IDE that can give me the same kind of features as Eclipse or Visual Studio. In the past I've used Vim, but I'm just not happy with the amount of work it is to use. Right now I'm trying to use Eclipse, but I can't get it to tag my code correctly. I also have access to Visual...

Embedded programming books

What embedded programming/design books would you suggest? With embedded I mean near to hardware programming in ASM and C/C++. I'm looking something related to best practices in embedded programming/design. Operation system could be Linux, Real Time Linux or any other RTOS. ...

Compiling tesseract-ocr on ARM/Gumstix?

Is it possible to compile tesseract-ocr for the Intel PXA270 found in certain Gumstix boards? Has anyone done this successfully, and if so, how did you do so? ...

How to implement a USB device driver for Windows?

How should I approach implementing a USB device driver for Windows? How should I take into account different versions of windows e.g: - Windows XP - Windows Vista - Windows 7 Is there open source solutions which could be used as a starting point? I'm a total newbie to windows driver development. We have an embedded device with USB d...

Aligning static arrays in the .bss section of linker file

I have a function: void testfunction() { static char_t theChar1 = 1; static unsigned char smallArray[1]; static unsigned char largeArray[135]; ... } and a linker file: . = ALIGN(4); _edata = . ; PROVIDE (edata = .); .bss (NOLOAD) : { __bss_start = . ; __bss_start__ = . ; *(.bss) *(.bss.*) *(COMMO...

Fonts for use in embedded GUI

I am looking for fonts for use in an embedded GUI application with a small display and keypad. Are there any free fonts available that people have used? What about the licenses for free fonts? Are there any special requirements for an application like an embedded GUI? For example, include the License in the source code. Take the GNU Fr...

Embedded development board with camera

We are planning to purchase an embedded development board with a motion controllable camera. Requirement-1: Embedded development with a camera Requirement-2: Camera should move both along the X and Z axis (i.e., 2 degrees of freedom) Requirement-3: The processor in the board shall be able to run heavy computation (to perform all the Im...

What are other modern, free analogs of Squeak and Esterel?

A long time ago, Rob Pike and Luca Cardelli wrote a paper called "Squeak: a language for communicating with mice". It was based on Hoare's communicating sequential processes, but it was compiled into single-threaded C code - no threads or scheduler at runtime. However, I can't find a compiler for Squeak, and Rob Pike went on to write new...

Trigonometric functions on embedded system

sin and cos functions are slow and need a lot of resources to run on embedded systems. How does one calculate sin and cos functions in a more resource-saving and faster way? ...

Fastest way to scan for bit pattern in a stream of bits

I need to scan for a 16 bit word in a bit stream. It is not guaranteed to be aligned on byte or word boundaries. What is the fastest way of achieving this? There are various brute force methods; using tables and/or shifts but are there any "bit twiddling shortcuts" that can cut down the number of calculations by giving yes/no/maybe co...

Testing Code for Embedded Application

Background: I am developing a largish project using at Atmel AVR atmega2560. This project contains a lot of hardware based functions (7 SPI devices, 2 I2C, 2 RS485 MODBUS ports, lots of Analogue and Digital I/O). I have developed "drivers" for all of these devices which provide the main application loop with an interface to access the...

How to share register and bit field definitions between a device driver and the FPGA it controls

Are there any good, existing software tools available to assist in generating C header files with appropriate #defines for register offsets as well as bit definitions from VHDL? If any such tools do exist, what restrictions to they place on the VHDL and how are things that should be exported designated? So far, I've found these tools b...

OpenCV on Embedded Platform

Can some suggest a test/development embedded platform to use with OpenCV. I would like to develop an embedded video analytics solution, but I don't know where to start. Some suggestion/ideas/hw starter kits? Maybe some Pc-104 solutions with Intel Atom? Has someone made some test about performances on this platform or any other embedded ...

what is a relocatable executable and why it is needed

What is the use of relocatable executable and how is it generated and how it is used ? what do we mean by processes memory map remapping ? if some can explain me w.r.to embedded systems , it will be great thanks in advance -Das ...

Arduino : sending MIDI up the USB

I'm interested in making an Arduino based MIDI controller to talk to my computer. Looking at other examples of Arduino MIDI (eg. http://itp.nyu.edu/physcomp/Labs/MIDIOutput), they all seem to wire up a dedicated 5 pin DIN. Which makes sense as this is the original cable to connect keyboards, expanders and sequencers together. However, I...

Debugging a Static Library with the Eclipse CDT

I'm working on getting set with Eclipse CDT for some embedded development and I'm having difficulty getting source level debugging working for static libraries. I'm using my own Makefiles, so that is my first suspect right now, especially since gdb claims that no symbol table info is available for the functions with no source. When usi...

Development Kit suggestions

Hello everyone Working on a PoC of a project that streams data from USB via Wifi: I need a development kit with WLan (preferably 802.11g) and HighSpeed USB device. Don't mind the CPU type, memory size etc. (Even a kit with only Ethernet 100M will do) If anyone can recommend one or even suggest a place to ask, I will be most obliged. ...

Can I and should I use CMake for my setup

The projects I work on are organised into root folders (VOBS) as follows: |--BUILD_FOLDER | |-- BUILD_SCRIPTS | |-- SOME_MORE_CODE | |--COMPONENT_A |--COMPONENT_B Because they are ClearCase VOBS there is no higher level root folder to place a CMakeLists.txt This setup doesn't seem to fit the CMake pattern... Is this a show-stopper t...