converting Bgr image to YCbCr in EmguCV?
how to convert a Bgr image to YCbCr in EmguCV ? ...
how to convert a Bgr image to YCbCr in EmguCV ? ...
Hi, I'm using the OpenCV wrapper - Emgu CV, and I'm trying to implement a motion tracker using Optical Flow, but I can't figure out a way to combine the horizontal and vertical information retrieved from the OF algorithm: flowx = new Image<Gray, float>(size); flowy = new Image<Gray, float>(size); OpticalFlow.LK(currImg, prevImg, new Si...
Hi everyone, I've been using the great Emgu C# wrapper for OpenCV to collect images from a home built stereo rig. Two webcams bolted down to a piece of wood, 35cm apart to hopefully let me produce depth maps in the 10-20m range. I've set them up to be as parallel as I can make it (about 89.3 degrees from a triangulation test). I'm try...
So far I have managed to make my programme to work and detect face and now what i want to do is that extract the area detected and display in new picture box that i have added also after this is done i want to add pics to database and compare detected faces with them. So please help private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs ar...
I have made program that detects the face now what i have to do is Recognize them By googling up i came to know that it is done by EigenObjectRecognizer any one hae used it or can tell me how can i use it? ...
Hey i was wondering if anyone had any insight on how to crop an image by pixel color using the Emgu Wrapper. I have it already turn the image grayscale for processing and all the image that i don't need is black. Is there any way to crop these pixels out? Now I'm not talking about making them transparent, i physically want to make the o...
I have done face detection using some demo files and some harr cascades that found in emgu CV sample files but what should i do to train my program to detect other things like phones or bucket or any other object. So far i have googled and found that i have to do some haartraning for that i need some 800 negative samples and 2000 positi...