
Strange parameter sequence using Reflection.Emit

I have been looking at Reflection.Emit recently. I wrote a simple program that generates a DynamicMethod which simple calls another method with the same parameters class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Program p = new Program(); p.Test(); } public delegate void TestHandler(int a, int b, int c...

Alternatives to Reflection.Emit for the Compact Framework

It seems that .NET CF is missing the very useful Reflection.Emit. So far, I found this library as an alternative: http://www.codeplex.com/EmitCF. However it seems to be an abandoned early version, so I'm looking for more options. Does anyone know of another alternative to Emit? Or perhaps someone used EmitCF and can comment on its st...

c# Emitting Dynamic Method Delegate to Load Parametrized Constructor Problem

I am trying create a delegate representation of constructor by emitting a Dynamic Method, which has to match this very "loosely-typed" signature so it can be used with any kind of parametrized constructor: public delegate Object ParamsConstructorDelegate(params object[] parameters); and the code for this creating the delegate looks li...

Trouble Emitting Object Array using Reflection.Emit

I am trying to Emit what I thought would be a simple object array that would result in code similar to the below example object[] parameters = new object[] { a, b, }; When I write the above code in C# using VS, I get the following IL. As expected this works. .locals init ( [0] object[] parameters, [1] object[] CS$0$0000) Howeve...

Can't access CodeBase from a dynamically generated assembly.

I'm trying to create an assembly dynamically in .Net. I can't seem to figure out how to get the CodeBase property to return a value, however. Here's an example: var assemblyName = new AssemblyName { Name = "Whatever", CodeBase = Directory.GetCurrentDirecto...

CouchDB: accessing nested structutes in map function

I have a document based on a xml structure that I have stored in a CouchDB database. Some of the keys contains namespaces and are on the form "namespace:key": {"mykey": {"nested:key": "nested value"}} In the map function, I want to emit the nested value as a key, but the colon inside the name makes it hard... emit(doc.mykey.nested...

Is there kind of runtime C++ assembler library around?

Hi guys! For my small hobby project I need to emit machine code from C++ program in runtime. I have base address 0xDEADBEEF and want to write something like this: Assembler a((void*)0xDEADBEEF); a.Emit() << Push(Reg::Eax) << Push(Reg::Ebx) << Jmp(0xFEFEFEFE); Inline assembler isn't my choice because generated machine code is d...

Where is System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters in Silverlight ?

Dear All, I want to create Mathematics Expression Evaluator in Silverlight. To do that easily, I need compilation on the fly using System.Reflection, System.Reflection.Emit, System.CodeDom.Compiler, and other related assemblies. However, I cannot find this class available in Silverlight. Give me some suggestion please. Thank you in a...

Problems with generation of dynamic code

This code gif an exception: Invocation exception, please help, I don't know what happen, I think is some thing with the Add because he work when I push onto the stack intergers, and when i push lvalue It's didn't work, thanks static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain dominioAplicacion = System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain();...

Is emitting a disconnected signal bad?

I defined a signal in myapp and emit it in very different places within code, but I need it just when my MY_DEFINED_FLAG is defined, my question is: Do I should change every: emit mySignal(); to #ifdef MY_DEFINED_FLAG emit mySignal(); #endif ? and if the answer is "yes" then, is there a better idea? ...

IDictionary<obj, obj> to obj using emit

Hey We are about to do some reflector in my company. I need a FactoryClass that can convert an IDictionary to a obj, by doing a match on properties and dict keys. I found: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1273589/dynamic-object-property-populator-without-reflection This code can do what I want, and I want to use this code, because...

EmitCall raises "operation could destabilize the runtime" in Silverlight

I'm n00b in IL language. In my task i have to create dynamic types inherited from System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.Entity. When i am adding additional code to set method of property, i receive "operation could destabilize the runtime". Help me, please, resolve that problem. Code from Reflector: L_0000: nop L_0001: ldarg.0 L_...

Operation could destabilize the runtime when emiting a nullable setter

Hello, I am currently overriding the setter of a given class with Reflection.Emit. Everything works fine except when I use it with a nullable property.... Here is the code I use : ilSetterGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); ilSetterGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, baseGetter); ilSetterGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); ilSetterGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ceq); Label retLa...