
What would be the best JavaScript text encoding to use?

Hi guys. I am creating a jQuery / AJAX search script, and I am trying to find the best text encoding to use on the string that gets sent to the waiting PHP file that will be doing the SQL query to get the results. I was thinking Base64? But as I do not have a lot of experience in this field, I would appreciate any input that could hel...

Data from webservice returns me nil value in iPhone

I am using following lines of code to convert the data (NSData) to NSString. I am getting nil value from string. But I get around 640 bytes from the server. The problem occurs only when we convert data to NSString. I used NSASCIIStringEncoding, NSUTF8StringEncoding, NSUnicodeStringEncoding for encoding parameter. Can someone shed light o...

Byte Order Mark generating a file using Mono in Ubuntu

Hi people! My .NET utility AjGenesis is a code generation tool. The compiled binaries runs without glitches under Ubuntu 10.x, and Mono. But I have a problem: generating a java text file (a normal text file for my tool) it generates Byte Order Mark at the beginning of each file. I'm using System.Text.Encoding.Default: in Windows, all OK...

python email encoding problem

I am extracting emails from Gmail using the following: def getMsgs(): try: conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("imap.gmail.com", 993) except: print 'Failed to connect' print 'Is your internet connection working?' sys.exit() try: conn.login(username, password) except: print 'Failed to login' print 'Is the username...

Problem with TextBox when typing Unicode text in Silverlight

Hi all. I am writing silverlight application. UI language is Armenian. I have added Unicode font to my application. For textblocks text is showing normal. But if I am typing text in TextBox it shows some symbols instead of text which I have typed. If I copy/past Unicode armenian text TextBox shows it normal. The only problem is with typi...

JSON, MySQL, PHP - encoding problem

Hello guys. I have been trying to implement an AJAX call on a database returning a JSON file with PHP and eventually met the encoding problem. My database has some char fields with customers' names and, since it is in portuguese, european characters are pretty common. Hence the some results with those characters are returning null via ...

Replace all special characters from a string using PHP

Hi, I am using jQuery editor with PHP it works fine for plane text (text with out special characters) but if I try to post text which contain special characters then it does not store these special characters in to db table.. and when I tried to replace any special character with HTML codes it works fine. But it is too difficult to repla...

Checking Unicode string for whitespace - byte for byte!

Quick & dirty Q: Can I safely assume that a byte of a UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32 codepoint (character) will not be an ASCII whitespace character (unless the codepoint is representing one)? I'll explain: Say that I have a UTF-8 encoded string. This string contains some characters that take more than one byte to store. I need to find out ...

Saxon and character encoding: experiences and errors

Recently I ran some tests on xslt transformations with Saxon. My main focus was file encoding and character sets. But I was interested also in impact of different Saxon versions and Java VM x86 vs. x64. The insights are not spectacular still I'd like to share them and ask for comments. On xml file encoding: In general, you have to disti...

How to deal with character Encoding in Obj-C ?

Hi, I'm a new to Obj-C (my experience is in Java and a little C) I have this project these days, which is An Arabic-Text encryption .. I need to read an arabic text file (character by character), but when I want to use these characters and store them in variables (of type char) I couldn't .. it gives me this warning "Multi-character cha...

HandBrakeCLI and CoreAudio

Hey! Could you tell me how to use HandbrakeCLI with coreaudio? Found this unapplied patch http://trac.handbrake.fr/wiki/UnappliedPatches#coreAudio but dont know how to build it myself on osx-snowleopard.. Can you help me? ...

Google Fusion Tables cvs upload encoding problem

I'm trying to import a large dataset into Google Fusion Tables using the csv-import function. The data contains Danish æ-ø-å characters. The original encoding of the data seems to be ANSI (or "windows-1252"). Data uploadet in that encoding is not displayed correctly. I've tried to reencode the various strings in most other relevant encod...