
Best way of obfuscating / encrypting form data on the iPhone

I want to create an app which holds sensitive information (imagine it's bank account details, thought it's not). The user enters this information on a form the first time the app starts up. I want this info to be saved, and available, any time the user uses the app (without having to enter a password). However, if the iPhone has a passwo...

crypto++ / pycrypto with google app engine

Hi, I am using crypto++ to send AES encrypted http requests to app engine, planning to decrypt them there. My plan is to encrypt the portion after the '?' so it's something like: http://myurl.com/Command?eiwjfsdlfjldkjfs when it is encrypted. However, I'm stuck figuring out how to decrypt it at the other end and still user get() on th...

Creating a global variable on the fly. [PHP ENCRYPTION]

Is there a way to dynamically create constant variables on the fly? The idea is that upon logging into the system, a user would be asked to upload a small text file that would be fread, and assigned to a var that would be accessible throughout the system. If this is possible, just to be clear, would this variable then only be accessibl...

What's the best way to store sensitive data in MySQL?

I'm managing the MySQL database from PHP scripts. the communication between server and client is secured via SSL. I store user account data which is sensitive. Is there a way to encrypt this data when entered into the DB? What is the best way to protect this sensitive data? EDIT: I’m using a CRON job for updating data which relies on t...

Twofish Encryption

I know AES Encryption supports 128,192,256 bit encryptions. ANy idea how many bits is twofish encryption. Is it also similarly flexible in bit lengths. I searched net but couldnt get conclusive answer. ...

C# encrypt whole XML File

I already have a solution for encrypting of several XML nodes or strings. But of course, you can open the local saved XML file and you should see the node tags. For some intelligent people it could be a reference for hidden informations. Is there any way to encrypt and decrypt the whole xml content including all node tags? ...

What's the default size of AES generated keys?

In the code javax.crypto.KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES").generateKey(); What's the size of the generated key? ...

Is it worth while to hide/obfuscate server connections in an iPhone app? If so how?

If I have an app that connects to Amazon's S3 service, is it worth my time to hide/obfuscate the connection strings and API keys? I'm guessing that most hackers won't care all that much, but it would be financially painful if someone found this information and was able to upload data to my account! For instance, if I store a username/p...

Endianness and C API's: Specifically OpenSSL.

I have an algorithm that uses the following OpenSSL calls: HMAC_update() / HMAC_final() // ripe160 EVP_CipherUpdate() / EVP_CipherFinal() // cbc_blowfish These algorithm take a unsigned char * into the "plain text". My input data is comes from a C++ std::string::c_str() which originate from a protocol buffer object as a encoded UTF-8 ...

How do I generate an encryption hash in ASP.NET MVC?

I am looking into creating a custom members login system (for learning) and I haven't been able to figure out the C# command to generate an encrypted hash. Is there a certain namespace I need to import or anything like that? Thanks for any help. ...

Python byte per byte XOR decryption

I have an XOR encypted file by a VB.net program using this function to scramble: Public Class Crypter ... 'This Will convert String to bytes, then call the other function. Public Function Crypt(ByVal Data As String) As String Return Encoding.Default.GetString(Crypt(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Data))) End Function ...

Encrypt and Decrypt String With Key PHP

Hi, I'm looking for some functions to encrypt and decrypt strings in php using a key specified. Thanks! ...

UDP security and identifying incoming data.

I have been creating an application using UDP for transmitting and receiving information. The problem I am running into is security. Right now I am using the IP/socketid in determining what data belongs to whom. However, I have been reading about how people could simply spoof their IP, then just send data as a specific IP. So this seems...

iPhone: Encrypt Nsstring using AES 128 and Decrypt

Hi all, I am new to Encryption/ Decryption. I want to encrypt a NSString variable value using key. Also I want to decrypt the encrypted data . I want to apply AES -128 Algorithm. Please suggest sample code or useful link. ...

Which PHP mcrypt cipher is safest?

So guys, there's plenty of different ciphers available - but which one is the safest to use nowadays? List: http://www.php.net/manual/en/mcrypt.ciphers.php ...

Encryption messages in a queue between 2 dlls.

Hi, I'm sending messages between 1 dll and another, effectively posting messages onto the dll input queue and receiving a messages back from the dll output queue. These two dlls are very tightly integrated. DLL 1 is a producer,and DLL2 is the consumer. I want to encrypt the messages before they are sent. What would be the best a...

Help needed in grokking password hashes and salts

I've read a number of SO questions on this topic, but grokking the applied practice of storing a salted hash of a password eludes me. Let's start with some ground rules: a password, "foobar12" (we are not discussing the strength of the password). a language, Java 1.6 for this discussion a database, postgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracl...

Des decryption returns empty

Hi, I am using Des.php for decryption. For few texts descript function returns Correct output in readable text format. For few... it just returns blank(empty.) After debugging in Des.php, i found that function _unpad($text) is returning false. The input $text is also still encoded. What could be the reason? Whenever decrypt fun...

TripleDES in Perl/PHP/ColdFusion

Recently a problem arose regarding hooking up an API with a payment processor who were requesting a string to be encrypted to be used as a token, using the TripleDES standard. Our Applications run using ColdFusion, which has an Encrypt tag - that supports TripleDES - however the result we were getting back was not what the payment proces...

Encrypt hashed passwords?

Hi everyone, Is it common sense to encrypt hashed&salted passwords that are stored in a database with a strong encryption (AES 192 or so) or are we just aiming for the stars? Of course, the encryption key will not be in the database itself, but will be kept at a safe place. Thanks a lot! ...