
establishing strong web security

I have seen many sites who claim to have bank grade security encryption. if their web sites have been built with php what other forms of security can exist aside from using mysql_real_escape_string and a 128bit ssl encryption? ...

Connect to a DB with an encrypted password with Django?

My place of employment requires that all passwords must be encrypted, including the ones used to connect to a database. What's the best way of handling this? I'm using the development version of Django with MySQL at the moment, but I will be eventually migrating to Oracle. Is this a job for Django, or the database? Edit: The encrypted p...

Is an SSL connection necessary between machines on the same cloud hosting provider?

Lets say I have a cluster of HTTPD's on a Cloud and they all share the same database. Is setting up MySQL over SSL reasonable paranoia? Or is it security masturbation? What are the pro's and con's of SSL on the cloud? What about ARP Spoofing? ...

SSL and Tomcat using Java

Hello all, I'm new to SSL connections so here goes my question. I have a desktop Java program in a JAR file. This JAR sends sensitive information over the internet to a remote Tomcat server. Of course I need to encrypt the data. If I purchase an SSL cerfiticate say from Verisign, will the data sent over SSL be automatically encrypte...

How can I create a key using RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding in python?

I am struggling to find any method of using RSA in ECB mode with PKCS1 padding in python. I've looked into pyCrypto, but they don't have PKCS1 padding in the master branch (but do in a patch). Nevertheless I found RSA with PKCS1 in the M2Crypto package, but I'm not sure if I can choose ECB mode... ...

Java MessageDigest result does not stay constant

I've got this function for encrypting passwords in Java, but somehow when I call MessageDigest, it returns a different result every time even though I call it with the same password. I wonder if I am initializing it wrong somehow. public String encrypt (String password) { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); md...

Should I use the bouncy castle libraries or the ones included in Android for AES

I'm writing an android app where I need to use AES. Is it better to use the bouncy castle libraries or should I just stick with what is included in default android libraries? ...

SSL connection using Java standalone app

I have created a standalone executable JAR program that needs to send private information over a SSL connection. I was not able to establish the SSL connection using certificates. Was getting this: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path `building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.S...

How secure is encryption?

Let me preface this by saying I know nothing about encryption. I understand the basic concept of public key / private key encryption but I don't how easily it can be broken, if at all. If one were to believe the movies, encrypted data can be broken by a teenager with a decent computer in a few hours. I have a client who wants credit car...

Decrypting an AES encryted column in mysql and adobe flex/flash builder?

How do i decrypt an aes encryted column when using flash/flex to display the table data? adobe flex connected using php connection class to mysql for php, we would use aes_decrypt() however i am not sure how i can get flex to do this. ...

Do encryption algorithms require an internal hashing algorithm?

When I use C# to implement the AES symmetric encryption cipher, I noticed: PasswordDeriveBytes derivedPassword = new PasswordDeriveBytes(password, saltBytesArray, hashAlgorithmName, numPasswordIterations); Why do I need to use a hashing algorithm for AES encryption? Aren't they separate? Or is the hashing algorithm only used to create...

Can I encrypt web.config with a custom protection provider who's assembly is not in the GAC?

I have written a custom protected configuration provider for my web.config. When I try to encrypt my web.config with it I get the following error from aspnet_iisreg aspnet_regiis.exe -pef appSettings . -prov CustomProvider (This is running in my MSBuild) Could not load file or assembly 'MyCustomProviderNamespace' or one of its ...

What kind of encryption mechanisms does SQL Server 2008 Standard offer?

As I see, TDE and EKM mechanisms are available only in Enterprise edition. How can I encrypt data in tables in Standard edition of SQL Server 2008? ...

C# connectionString encryption questions

I am learning how to encrypt the ConnectionString for our C# (3.5) Application. I read the .Net Framwork Developer Guide (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/89211k9b(VS.80).aspx) about securing connection string. but not fully understand the contents. It says "The connection string can only be decrypted on the computer on which it...

With RSA encryption, should I use the same certificate to sign and encrypt a message?

If I want to sign and encrypt a message using an X509 certificate, is there any reason not to use the same certificate for encryption and signing? ...

iPhone - AES256 Encryption Using Built In Library

Hey all, I am using http://pastie.org/966473 as a reference as all I need to do is encrypt something using AES256 encrypting. I created a class and put the implementation in the pastie on top of the implementation for my class. @implementation //pastie code @end @implementation //my class code @end In my class code I create a NSMut...

Encryption / Decryption Sugestions

Is there a way to encrypt any string or file of any length and return a key with a fixed length. e.g: $str = 'Hello World!'; encrypt($str);//returns: "abc123"//a fixed length of characters. decrypt('abc123');//returns: "Hello World!"//the contents of the original string. above is in php Can be any computer language: Can be any fi...

C++ .NET DLL vs C# Managed Code ? (File Encrypting AES-128+XTS)

I need to create a Windows Mobile Application (WinMo 6.x - C#) which is used to encrypt/decrypt files. However it is my duty to write the encryption algorithm which is AES-128 along with XTS as the mode of operation. RijndaelManaged just doesn't cut it :( Very much slower than DES and 3DES CryptoServiceProviders :O I know it all depend...

Can HTTPS connections be hijacked with a man-in-the-middle attack?

I'm using gmail from work, but I need to enter a password for a proxy when accesing the first web page. The password is asked from inside the browser. I receive a certificate from the proxy which I must accept in order to make the Internet connection work. Can my HTTPS connection, between gmail and browser, be tracked in this situatio...

How can i encrypt a function or its contents in a php class?

How can i encrypt a function or its contents in a php class ? e.g. Take a look at below class, i would like to encrypt the function test1() so the code inside will never be revealed but executes as normal class test { var $x; var $y; function test1() { return $this->x; } function test2() { return $this->y; } } Than...