
can't generate sequence diagram from running code - Enterprise Architect

Hi SO, I'd like to generate sequence diagrams with EA. I set up a build script, the debug section looks like this: jre=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20,-Djava.class.path=C:\path\to\my\app When I try to debug it (which is needed for the diagram generation), I get the following message: Failed to load C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1...

Sparx Enterprise Architect for SQL Server modeling?

I have used MS SQL Server Management Studio for most of my database modeling to this point in my career. I am a database developer (not a DBA), but interested in the benefits with using Sparx systems Enterprise Architect for data modeling. I do not have the need to generate scripts for different databases, other than that what does usi...

How should I embed/include Enterprise Architect UML diagrams in MS PowerPoint 2007?

Setup I am using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Professional edition 7.5: http://www.sparxsystems.com.au/ and MS PowerPoint. Problem I have various audiences for presentations requiring display in MS PowerPoint -- ranging from managers to developers, whose depth of technical knowledge and requirements for knowledge varies. Questi...

Sparx Enterprise Architect conversion (from source to UML)

I need to make a UML class diagram for a project. I used Sparx Enterprise Architect in the past to generate source code from a diagram so I'm using that. The project is complete so all of the code is done and I don't really want to write all the classes / functions manually, so I was trying to generate the diagram from the source code ...

Enterprise Architect Communication Diagrams question

I want to achieve something like this in Enterprise Architect's Communication Diagrams: start() ---------------- 1. create() ------------ ------------> | RGController | ---------------> | U : User | ---------------- ------------ But I am facing 2 problems: It seems I have to always make a c...

ea: import requirements from csv file

During import requirements from csv file I have a message: Bad object type when creating new record of type '' File I was trying to import: GUID$Name$Notes$Scope {BF467CF6-FF97-4dd4-894C-3F09E713678C}$NameOfReq$description$Public {71B26F9A-5418-499e-B635-F2DB158D3FF1}$Requirement1$$Public {0}$Requir1$blah$Public First 2 (+header) li...

Enterprise Architect version 7.5.844 State Diagrams

i am trying to learn EA but got stuck trying to produce State Diagrams. when i start a new project it gives me several option regarding what kind of document i wish to create. but i dont see the option to creat state diagrams. am i overlooking something? apologies for not being a programming question. thank you. ...

How to show Enterprise Architect diagrams in Power Point in an appealing way?

I create my diagrams in Enterprise Architect. Sometimes I need to embed them in Power Point presentations but it does not look good in the UI as it would if I would write them there from scratch. Is there a way to do it nicely? Which tools would you recommend to manage a long persisting architecture and also present it nicely in present...

Sun Certified Enterprise Architect Exam Crash Course

I decided to test the theory that work expands to fill the time given and give myself as little time as feasible to complete my preparation for this exam. My appointment is in exactly one week and I started preparing yesterday. I have a lot of experience designing web-centric applications but not that much in the way of EJB. My goal is t...

Using UML to Understand Code

I'm new to UML and I've managed to convert the source into class diagrams which shows every class in a box. but that doesn't seem like enough for me to understand how the functions and objects are connected. Is that all what a programmer needs or what more can be done to better understand the information flow of their project? I'm curren...

Clean HTML documentation template for Enterprise Architect

I use Enterprise Architect from Sparx Systems for reverse-engineering URL class diagrams from my source code, and want to take this a step further by using the software to generate HTML API documentation of my code. However I find the markup generated by Enterprise Architect to be full of Javascript, and I think I may have even spotted ...