
Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information. with EntityDataSource

Hi i have a problem that only shows if EntityDataSource present on aspx pages ,interesting thing it's just occures when i'm refreshing the page (F5) or viewing it again and it's driving me crazy it's seems to be a bug with entity framework because i tried it with another project and i just get the same error: Please if anyone can help me...

ASP.NET Declaritive Data Sources. Are they ever used if more than one table is invovled?

For typical examples I see of SqlDataSource, LinqDataSource... EVERY example deal with how to make changes to a Customer table where the Gridview/RADgrid directly represents the customer.. But in my case I have stored procedure which show data from multiple tables and make changes to multiple tables so it seems I am not a canidate for ...

How to Display EntityDataSource Associations on an ASP.NET FormView Control?

Hi All, I have a simple Web Form where I've dragged a FormView and dragged an EntityDataSource onto my page. The page shows a single contact with all tags associated with it. I can't seem to get the related tags of a contact to display in a gridview. For a picture of what I'm talking about click -> here Please state exact steps becaus...

gridview filtering via joined tables

I'm trying to display data which comes from a join on two tables (or more) in a gridview I want to be able to filter the result set via user given input (text boxes on page) I have tried the standard tutorials but cannot find something which goes beyond displaying one table result sets in the gridview. If I go through the configure gr...