
Do I need to define an enum as 'public' in its own file so it can be recognized outside its own package?

I have two packages - x and y. x contains the Student class and the Grade enum. y contains the Klass class. Why is the type Student.Grade.C not recognized in the Klass class in package y? Do I need to define it in its own file and make it public? package x; enum Grade { A, B, C, D, F, INCOMPLETE }; public class Student { // blah,...

Enums in Java API

hi, I am creating a java API for an addressbook Is it a good practice to use Enums in my API ? I am using it as follows: public enum AddressType { WORK,HOME } public class AddressBook implements Function{ Map<String, Details> byName = new TreeMap<String,Details>(); public void addNewContact(String name, String address, A...

Can a enum value in phpmyadmin be like this? 'Readme'=>1

In this, I would see Readme, but the value would be set to 1 Is this possible? edit; Sorry. Basically I have a site. It's navigation is in the database. It need to display nav items depening on the users state, like, logged in , admin, blogger, not loggin, and indepenant. These work, however I would like to move from numerical values t...

Mapping a Collection of Enums in NHibernate

I'm trying to map a collection of enums in NHibernate using Fluent NHibernate, and then perform queries against the contents of that enum collection, but the system throws exceptions every time. I have a Widget class, mapped to the Widget table. There is also a WidgetType enum, and a single instance of Widget can have many WidgetTypes, ...

Converting Null to Nullable Enum (Generic)

Hi Everyone, I'm writing some Enum functionality, and have the following: public static T ConvertStringToEnumValue<T>(string valueToConvert, bool isCaseSensitive) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueToConvert)) return (T)typeof(T).TypeInitializer.Invoke(null); valueToConvert = valueToConvert.Replace(" ", ""); ...

Can not compile enums in Eclipse

While trying to introduce enums in my Android project in Eclipse, I encountered with the following problem: Compiler says: The type java.lang.Enum cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files The type Enum is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments I work under Ubuntu 10.04 and use Eclips...

Adding Constraints for Nullable Enum

Hi Everyone, I'm writing some Enum functionality, and have the following: public static T ConvertStringToEnumValue<T>(string valueToConvert, bool isCaseSensitive) { if (typeof(T).BaseType.FullName != "System.Enum" && typeof(T).BaseType.FullName != "System.ValueType") { throw new ArgumentException("Type must be of Enum a...

Return an array of all enum values in C#

I have an enum that I'd like to display all possible values of. Is there a way to get an array or list of all the possible values of the enum instead of manually creating such a list? e.g. If I have an enum: public enum Enumnum { TypeA, TypeB, TypeC, TypeD } how would I be able to get a List<Enumnum> that contains { TypeA, TypeB, Type...

Why should I have an enumeration declared with a typedef in C++?

I had code that looked like this: enum EEventID { eEvent1, eEvent2, ... eEventN }; And that got reviewed and changed to typedef enum { eEvent1, eEvent2, ... eEventN } EEventID; What is the difference between the two? Why make the change? When I looked at this question, the only mention of typedefs got downvoted. ...

Force Initialization of an enumerated type in Java

I am attempting to find a way to force Java to load/initialize an enumerated type (which is nested within a class that contains a static Map). This is important to me because the enumerated type has a constructor that populates said map, and without an explicit way to initialize this enum, the map will remain empty. I have attempted to...

enum.values() - is an order of returned enums deterministic

I have a enum SOME_ENUM: public enum SOME_ENUM { EN_ONE, EN_TWO, EN_THREE; } Will SOME_ENUM.values() always return the enums in the order of enum declarations: EN_ONE, EN_TWO, EN_THREE? Is it a rule or it is not guaranteed to be not changed in the next Jdk releases? ...

Does PHP have structs or enums?

is there a typedef keyword in PHP such that I can do something like: typedef struct { } aStructure; or typedef enum { aType1, aType2, } aType; ...

How should I expose an enum?

Here's my situation. I have a library that has a set of enums that I need to use. public enum showtype { comedy = 1001, horror = 1002, mystery = 1003, action = 1004; } This library is being referenced by another library that I created. My library is referenced by more than one console based app. I need to assign the show type dir...

Objective-C return enum array from method

I have an enum in my objective-C code similar to this: typedef enum { FRUIT_APPLE = 1, FRUIT_PEAR = 2, FRUIT_BANANA = 3, // etc. } Fruit I need to be able to return an array of these in a method, something like this: @implementation FruitTest static Fruit fruits[] = {FRUIT_APPLE, FRUIT_BANANA}; +(Fruit[]) fruits { ...

What is a good way to handle enums that need to be strings

I'm pretty sure an enum isn't what I want. What I want is a list of named items CustomerLookup = "005", CustomerUpdate = "1010" The "005" and "1010" aren't my values, they are the values I need to send to a 3rd party that I have no control over. There are close to 500 of them. I just want my code to look nice. Instead of SendReq...

Bitwise flags and Switch statement?

I have the following code (example), and I'm really not comfortable with so many 'if' checks: public enum Flags { p1 = 0x01, // 0001 p2 = 0x02, // 0010 p3 = 0x04, // 0100 p4 = 0x08 // 1000 }; public static void MyMethod (Flags flag) { if ((flag & Flags.p1) == Flags.p1) DoSomething(); if ((...

Enum.ToString() deprecated?

When I type .ToString() on an Enum type in Visual Studio, the Intellisense shows a "strike-through" line through ToString() (although it builds and works fine). It seems to indicate that Enum.ToString() is deprecated in some way. Is this true? If so, why? ...

Using integer based enum

Is it possible to do the enum without having to do a cast? class Program { private enum Subject { History = 100, Math =200, Geography = 300 } static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(addSubject((int) Subject.History)); //Is the int cast required. } private static int addSubject(int H) ...

using CodeDom to generate an enum with Value as well as Name

Hello, I have this little piece of code : private Dictionary<string, IList<KeyValuePair<int, string>>> EnumsCollection = new Dictionary<string, IList<KeyValuePair<int, string>>>(); // ...... Dictionary is filled, fine // ... outer loop foreach (var enumNameAndValue in EnumsCollection[enumName]) { var code...

[C++] typedef enum

Hi, I have this: typedef enum{ Adjust_mode_None = 0, Adjust_mode_H_min, Adjust_mode_H_max, Adjust_mode_S_min, Adjust_mode_S_max, Adjust_mode_V_min, Adjust_mode_V_max }Adjust_mode; and at some point I want to do: adjust_mode_ = (adjust_mode_+1)%7; but I get Invalid conversion from int to Adjust_mode This is ok in other lan...