
Emulate C++ enum integer with Java Enums

I'm attempting to translate some C++ code into Java. I'm looking for the best way to emulate this type of C++ paradigm in Java -- I think enums are probably the answer but I'm open to anything C++ code: typedef UInt32 Type; enum { UNKNOWN, QUIT, SYSTEM, TIMER, LAST } ... Type newType = UNKNOWN; Type nextType = LAST + 1; ... // "Regist...

C# - Help with [Flags] Enum & Extension Method

Hi Guys, I have the following enum: [Flags] public enum PostAssociations { None = 0x0, User = 0x1, Comments = 0x2, CommentsUser = 0x3 } As a starting note, im not sure if those flags are correct. I'm doing this so that i have a fluent way of defining "Includes" for Entity Framework (as the EF Include method takes a s...

From whence cometh Enum.values()?

I was looking through the documentation and source code, because I wanted to be certain that values() would always return an array in the order in which the Enum values are declared. Turns out, it's not in the documentation as far as I can tell. I checked the source code for the Enum class, and no luck (there is a related, private "get...

Why is Fluent NHibernate ignoring my convention?

Here is a small VS 2010 solution with a single failing test that replicates the following issue. I have a convention UserTypeConvention<MyUserType> where MyUserType : IUserType where MyUserType handles an enum type MyEnum. I have configured Fluent NHibernate thusly sessionFactory = Fluently .Configure() ...

How to use enum value to set header for a tab item of a tab-control?

I want to get the header of a selected tab-item of a tab-control and activate another tab-item of another tab-control appropriately, eg. select tab "A"/"B" of tab-control TC1 will activate tab "A"/"B" on tab-control TC2. I want "A", "B", ... to be a enum value so that no string comparation is used. So, how can I use an enum value to se...

How can I use linq to check if an flags/bitwise enumeration contains a type?

Hi folks, the following lambda statemement returns null, when i was hoping it would return a string value. var countryCode = AddressComponents .Where(x => x.AddressType == AddressType.Country) .Select(x => x.ShortName) .SingleOrDefault(); now the AddressType property of the current instance i'm interrigating contains the ...

Java getting the Enum name given the Enum Value.

Hi, How do I get the name of a Java Enum type given its value? I have written code which works for a particular Enum type, can I make it more generic? The enum type: public enum Category { APPLE("3"), ORANGE("1"), GRAPE("GRAPE"), BANANA("Banana"); private final String identifier; /** * Constructor. * * @p...

How to have an integer string in an enum?

I know this is a proper enum: Private Enum Months JANUARY = 1 FEBRUARY = 2 ... End Enum However, I want to have an enum where the string will solely be integers. Example: Private Enum ColumnCounts 01 = 5 02 = 4 03 = 40 End Enum The 01, 02 and 03 are all strings. However, if I put "01", [01] or just 01, it tells me it ...

XML serialization of enums

Hi, I have problems with serializing enum values. Here is the code: [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)] public class REQUEST { [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute()] public string ID; [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute()] public REQUESTTypetype Type; ...

Typedef enum Objective-C

I have class Distance and typedef enum Unit, @interface Distance:NSObject{ double m_miles; } @property double m_miles; -(Distance *) initWithDistance: (double) value andUnit:(Unit) unit; @implementation Distance -(Distance *)initWithDistance: (double) value andUnit:(Unit) unit{ self = [super init]; if (self){ switch (unit...

Question about WarpMode enum

Hi ... There is tow enum by name "WarpMode" in System.Drawing.Drawing2D namespace the first include : Title , TitleFlipX , TitleFlipY , TitleFlipXY , Clamp and the second by include : Perspective , Bilinear We can't define tow enums in th same namespace by the same name ..!! why here we can ?? !! and How can I tell VS which e...

What C# collection should I use for this use case?

http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/user/335389-sergio-tapia/ I'm the Helper group, currently there are other groups. I want to write all possible groups to a C# class or something and then in the future when other groups are created I'd just modify that "collection of groups". My question is, what C# structure should I use for this use ...

Custom serialization of JDK5 Enum in Axis 1.2 on client-side

Hi Folks, I am migrating a SOAP web service to JDK1.5. I have took advantage of native java enums in the new code. For some reasons, I'm stuck with Axis 1.2 and it does not natively support JDK5 "enums". I have found a tutorial on how to implement custom a serialization / deserialization for java enums: http://www.developpez.net/forums...

Enum type with values containing spaces on it

Enum values can contain spaces on it? For example ENUM('item1','the item2','item 3'). It's allowed? I'm using MySql. ...

What's the point of this series of C typedef/struct/union/enum definitions?

Inside of this first step towards a bootstrapped scheme interpreter I find the following set of typedef, struct, union, and enum definitions: typedef enum {FIXNUM} object_type; typedef struct object { object_type type; union { struct { long value; } fixnum; } data; } object; In particular, I'm ...

C#: Enum anti-patterns

There has been a lot of talk of Enums in general violating Clean Code-principles, so I'm looking for people's favorite Enum anti-patterns and alternative solutions for these. For example I've seen code like this: switch(enumValue) { case myEnum.Value1: // ... break; case myEnum.Value2: // ... bre...

C++ - mapping type to enum

Hello! Is is possible to make compilation-time Type -> Enum Series mapping? Illustrating with an example: Let's say, I have some Type and a enumerated value: typedef int Type; enum Enumerated { Enum1, Enum2, Enum3, Enum4 }; and now I somehow state the following: "let's associate Enum1 and Enum4 with type Type (don't know how to im...

What's the best way to provide localization for Enums?

I'm writting a multi-lingual application that uses many enums, and I'd like to achieve the following objectives: Display Enum names as localized strings Provide localized descriptions using attributes Enable language sensitive parsing of enums back to int values I'm keen to to decorate the en...

Passing a Enum value as a parameter from JSF

I am trying to migrate my existing code to using Enum and I run into some problems due to my lack experience with Enum. First of all here is my structures. In my EJB, alongs with Entity, I have a enum class (not sure if it even a class). public enum Type { PROFILE_COMMENT, GROUP_COMMENT } At my managed bean myBean.java, I hav...

C# using numbers in an enum

Hopefully a quicky. This is a valid enum public enum myEnum { a= 1, b= 2, c= 3, d= 4, e= 5, f= 6, g= 7, h= 0xff }; But this is not public enum myEnum { 1a = 1, 2a = 2, 3a = 3, }; Is there a way I can use an number in a enum. I already have code to populate dropdowns from enums so it would be quite handy ...