Does anyone have a list, or even better a target that normalizes, the environment variables that are common on Linux, Windows, and OSX that would enable cross-platform, consistent Apache Ant builds? For example: On OSX, you can specify env.HOME and perform file operations, like loading a property file, from the user's home directory, /...
I'm about to work through a book, "Flex on Java" and it's asked me to install maven 2+ i downloaded maven from the apache site.
Added :
M2_HOME = C:\apache-maven-2.2.1
M2 = %M2_HOME%\bin
to the environment vars according to the instructions at
then it gets to number 6 which says
"In the sa...
How can I read a user specific environment variable? I know how to get a system wide one, like
Thanks in advance!
What reasons could there be for the following strange behaviour, and how might I track down the issues?
We use a combination of make files and msbuild.
I have a project which needs to be strongly named. I was previously setting the snk to use in the project file like this:
And why is an export needed? Where is it exporting to?
When I echo $PATH on my command line, it returns
When I execute this php code
exec('echo $PATH; whoami; less /etc/paths; 2>&1')
I get
string 'echo $PATH; whoami; less /etc/paths; 2>&1' (length=56)
0 =>...
I don't particularly know if this is a good thing or not but I used to work somewhere where everyone had an environment variable like YOUR_NAME on their computer. Then if you had a bit of debug code that was only of interest to yourself you could wrap it in #if defined( YOUR_NAME ) and it wouldn't even be compiled for someone else unless...
I'm using R under Windows XP. It picked up the environmental variable HOME from windows which is
> Sys.getenv("R_USER")
However, how can I use that variable quickly in a file name? In particular, if I have a file stored at H:/tmp/data.txt. How should I construct the following command?
data <- read.table("$R_HOME/tmp/dat...
(This question is similar to Delphi: How to respond to WM_SettingChange/WM_WinIniChange? but for the AutoHotKey language. This is not about sending WM_SETTINGCHANGE from inside AutoHotKey.)
In another Windows process ("sender"), I change the PATH environment variable by modifying the HK_CURRENT_USER registry. Then I send/publish a WM_SE...
I ran the below script to set environment variables for oracle( which comes with oracle package itself).
export NLS_LANG
export PATH
if [ $?LD...
Is there a way to enumerate environment variables and retrieve values using C?
Recently I have been trying to make changes so I can do builds through Ant and the command line. This has forced me to reconfigure my setup. In order to make java available on the class path I typed the following in the command propmt...
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\JDK 1.6.0_08
that being the directory of my java installation. Then I will s...
I know about the %USERPROFILE% system defined environment variable on Windows XP (and Vista and Windows 7). Is there a system defined environment variable pointing to the location of the "My Documents" directory? On XP by default it's %USERPROFILE%\My Documents and on Win 7 it's %USERPROFILE%\Documents. I just wanted to avoid having t...
I need to setup a script in group policy that we be used in different regions of the world. Are environmental variables such as %ProgramFiles% language specific? I'm hoping that a script of %ProgramFiles% can be used both in spain and france even though their language is setup for the specific regions.
Hi, I have some problem with the Emacs terminal mode.
I'm a mac user and I use Emacs downloaded from; I installed also ESS and AucTex.
I work with R, LaTex, Sweve and, I menage all with Emacs. When I want to compile the Sweave file I open the terminal and I use the "R CMD Sweave myfile.Rnw" command to generate a myf...
I have a script that sets an environment variable in Windows XP by creating a value in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment. The variable shows up when I view the env var GUI under Control Panel, but if I type SET in the command window it isn't listed. If I try to echo it in t...
I am using Apache2 with mod_perl and Plack::Handler::Apache2. My web site is at In the VirtualHost definition of, I have the following
ProxyPass /app/one
ProxyPassReverse /app/one
ProxyPass /app/two
ProxyPassReverse /app/two
Of course...
Recently I had to update my JAVA environment variable in .bashrc
echo $JAVA_HOME # prints out /usr/java/...
echo $(JAVA_HOME) # raises error "can't find JAVA_HOME command"
I'm worried that my make file, which uses $(JAVA_HOME) won't work since $JAVA_HOME gets recognized, but not $(JAVA_HOME)
How can I get $(JAVA_HOME) to equ...
I have a bash backup script run as root (cron) that delegates certain tasks to other specific bash scripts owned by different users. (simplified example, principle is, some things have to be done as root, different tasks are delegated to users with the appropriate environment (oracle, amazon, ...)
mkdir -p /tmp/backup$NAME
su - oracle -...
I'm pretty new to MSBuild, so I might be doing something obviously-wrong, but a colleague of mine who's worked with MSBuild a lot can't see any error, so I figured I'd post here and see if anyone else can see it.
I'm converting an old batch file that we used to call ant to MSBuild tasks (because we want to call it from MSBuild) and the ...