
When will an EOFException occur in JAVA's streams

I am working with a DataInputStream and had a question about EOFExceptions. According to java docs: Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input. This exception is mainly used by data input streams to signal end of stream. Note that many other input operations return a specia...

java - IO on internal class

Is it possible to ObjectOutputStream/ObjectInputStream an internal class? I can write it OK, and examine the created file, but when I try to read it back in using ObjectInputStream, I get an EOFException just trying to read an Object o = oos.readObject(); I use the same File object to open both streams, so that's not the problem. It s...

EOFexception in Java when reading objectinputstream

I want to read multiple objects (my own class Term) that I have output to a .dat file, but I always get a nullPointException or EOFException. ObjectInputStream inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(masterFile)); Object o = null; while(( o = inputStream.readObject()) != null){ Term t = (Term)...

Getting EOFException while trying to read from SSLSocket

Hi, I am developing a SSL client that will do a simple request to a SSL server and wait for the response. The SSL handshake and the writing goes OK but I can't READ data from the socket. I turned on the debug of java.net.ssl and got the following: [..] main, READ: TLSv1 Change Cipher Spec, length = 1 [Raw read]: length = 5 0000: 16 03...

EOFException in ObjectInputStream Only happens with Webstart not by java(w).exe ?!

Hi, Anyone familiar with the differences in starting with Webstart(javaws.exe) compared to starting the app. using java.exe or javaw.exe regarding streams ? This is the exception which i ONLY get when using Webstart : java.io.EOFException at java.io.ObjectInputStream$PeekInputStream.readFully(Unknown Source) at java.io.Object...

java.io.EOFException while writing and reading froma servlet

Hello everyone, I have the following code on the applet side: URL servlet = new URL(appletCodeBase, "FormsServlet?form=requestRoom"); URLConnection con = servlet.openConnection(); con.setDoOutput(true); con.setDoInput(true); con.setUseCaches(false); con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); ObjectOutputStrea...

Adding text in arc

how can we set text or label within an arc in flex3 ...

Is Java's EOFException exceptional?

It seems dirty to use an exception to indicate the end of a file has been reached. Every file we read has an end, so it doesn't seem exceptional or unexpected. Furthermore, I don't like using an exception for the non-exceptional flow of my program. I'm talking about using java.io.EOFException to signal the end of a data input stream: I...

EOFException in my Java Code

As other posts here at stackoverflow has already explained, the EOFException occurs when the end of the stream is reached unexpectedly. I have a method, which converts a byte array into a long number. This byte array is an uint64_t number which I retrieved over my java binding from a database in C. I do know the problems with uint64_t an...