
how can i insert a variable in to a href value in a link in rails?

Hi i have: <a href="/patients/#{}"> <%=h @appointment.patient.f_name %> <%=h @appointment.patient.l_name%> </a> but it dose not work due to a syntax error, if i click on the href it goes to{} thanks ...

Best practice for displaying data the user might not have.

I've got a Ruby on Rails app where I do the following: @user = User.find(:first, :conditions => ['LOWER(username) = ?', current_subdomain.downcase], :include => :bio) Where ':include => :bio' is the important part. Then in the view I want to display some bio: <em><%= %></em><br /> <%= %><br /> <%= @us...

Ruby on Rails form f.text_area contains additional spaces

I have a quite average form in Rails, trough blog_kit <% form_for(@blog_post, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %>\ ... other code <%= f.text_area :body %> <%= debug(@blog_post) %> When editing a blog-post, the body suddenly contains additional spaces (marked as _ to visualise): ...sit amet eleifend diam imperdiet pharetr...

Notepad++ not syntax highlighting my files

Until a week ago I was happily coding html.erb files in Notepad++ with syntax highlighting. Then my hard drive crashed. I reinstalled Notepad++ on my new system but when I open my html.erbs, only a few of them are highlighting properly. I think the problem might be that most of these files are being considered 'normal text files', whe...

How does one comment in an erb template?

I have some trivial markup that looks like the following: <li class="someclass"> <=% t'model.attr' %> </li> Is there a trivial way to comment that out? Just wrapping <!-- --> around the block will still leave the ruby code available to the template. This means I have to comment out the HTML and Ruby specific code separately. What's...

vim: Using <afile> in an autogroup command

My goal is to highlight <basename>.<extension>.erb files as I would highlight <basename>.<extension> files. As a first pass, I'm fine with supporting <basename>.<filetype>.erb, which I tried to do with au BufNewFile,BufRead *.erb setf <afile>:r:e But this doesn't seem to be working. What should I be doing? ...

ERB doesnt get executed in javascript scripts

Hi guys I have a select input on my page. this select input displays/hides fields in the form. This all works fine. But the problem is that if i submit the form and lack some necessary fields, it doesnt set the select to the right value afterwards. I just cant get the embedded ruby to work! it keeps escaping the whole thing... here my c...

Printing data in erb

How can I print data, usually html, in erb? Sometimes it is just impossible to do everything in the controller, like so print "you are funny" in a red div, with a big structure and print "you are hilarious" in a blue div with simple structure I cannot store them in a variable in the controller n then print it in erb and the <%= %> ...

Rails: how are paths generated?

In Rails 3, when a scaffold is generated for instance for a 'Category' the will be a categories_path (and a edit_category_path(@category), ...) used in the erb views. This is not a variable that can be found anywhere and probably is generated. However in my case, for a different entity, Article, I first generated the model and then the ...

How to port `error_messages_for` from Ruby erb to Java JSP/JSTL?

How would you port this front-end logic from erb to jsp/jstl? <%= error_messages_for :foo %> Is there any Java library that does something similar? ...

ERB in command line with render :partial method in html.erb

I want to render an HTML-EMail and send it to our customers using some ERB Templates. The basic code I am using:"newsletter.html.erb").result(binding) doesn't allow me to add partials to the html.erb-File. I would love to move the header and footer to a partial and use the render :partial-Method in that call. Is this possib...

How would you handle a mixed HAML/ERB team?

I'm a big Haml/Sass fan. Right now I work with a designer who prefers Erb and doesn't speak Haml. I find that working with Erb is slowing me down considerably, and it doesn't seem fair that he should have to pay for that time (he's the client & I'm paid hourly). The erb->haml converter works quite well these days, but I don't know if t...

Erb encoding problem in Rails 3

Hi guys, I'm using Rails 3. I want to display generated html fragment inside erb template <%= "<div>Foo Bar</div>" %> Rails encodes div tags. If I'm correct in Rails 2 <%=h cause encoding. Seems that it was changed in Rails 3. How can insert html fragment without encoding in Rails 3? Regards, Alexey. ...

Ruby Liquid templating nested hashes

I have a nested hash: { :KeyA => { :KeyB => "hello", :KeyC => { :KeyD => "foo", :KeyE => "bar" } } } if I pass this to ERB I can do: <%= config[:KeyA][:KeyC][:KeyD] %> and get: foo However this doesnt work with Liquid :( If I do:...

Can Embedded Ruby Be Used Outside of Rails?

Can embedded ruby (erb) be used outside of rails in regular webpages to dynamically update content (almost as a replacement for PHP)? ...

Rails AJAX ERB View Question link_to_remote

Rals 3.0 My question is using link_to_remote to make an ajax call. 2.3.8 Ajax call <%= link_to_remote image_tag("../images/services_button.jpg", :mouseover => "../images/services_button_over.jpg"), :url =>{:controller => :dashboard, :action => :service} %> Current View - <% link_to_remote view_path do %> About Us<s...

Different tags in ERB

I'm just getting started with Ruby and Ruby on Rails, so excuse me if this is a simple question. I've noticed that in some ERB files, there is a difference to using <%= %> and <% %>, but what is the difference? Thanks! ...

conditional blocks in haml

in ruby you can do conditional block like so block do |n| puts n end if foo == bar which would translate into erb as <% block do |n| %> <%= n %> <% end if foo == bar %> is there a way to achieve this in haml other than wrapping the block in a condition? ...

Handling JSON in JS/ERB template in Rails 3

I have no trouble making typical AJAX calls to and from Rails(3) with JSON objects and jQuery-rails (jQuery library plus a special rails.js file). In one controller, though, I want to RETURN some JSON in an erb template (create.js.erb) after an AJAX call. I've tried every combination of things in the controller (@object.to_json, '[{"co...

VIM problems with erb files

Whenever I make a open or save and erb file. I get this error. No idea how to fix it Error detected while processing function <SNR>59_UpdateErrors..<SNR>59_CacheErrors..SyntaxCheckers_eruby_GetLocList..SyntasticMake: Line 20: E40: Can't open errorfile ~\AppData\Local\Temp\VIeF751.tmp ...